Sanitary Napkins for menstruation

Removing Stigma Around Menstruation

Talking about menstruation has always been a taboo in India. And menstrual hygiene has been almost non-existent in several parts of the country. Menstruation is considered to be impure in many religions. This has made even the most educated people believe and enforce that a menstruating woman should avoid worship places. In many communities, women...

तेल का खेल।

देश में शायद ही कोई शख्स होगा जिसका सीधे सरोकार डीजल पेट्रोल से नहीं होगा, दिन की शुरवात से रात के बिस्तर पर जाने तक हम प्रत्यक्ष अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से पेट्रोलियम पदार्थों का इस्तेमाल करते है, जीवन का अभिंग अंग बन चुके डीजल पेट्रोल बीते 15 दिनों से ऐसी आग पकड़ी है जिसकी तपिश...
CSR: Adopt A Village, Educate And Transform Rural India

Adopt A Village, Educate And Transform Rural India

Although rural India faces a plethora of challenges, right from the regulation of electricity and water supply to farming and transportation of the produce to the markets to bringing in a reform through education and development, technology coupled with a vision can bring in a sea change to the rural landscape of the country. AAS...
Classrooms made from waste

Waste Generators Become The Recyclers

Waste Management is a pressing problem faced by the metro cities in India. The urban citizens of India are used to consuming all kinds of branded products available in the city, making them a large percentage of waste generators. Lacking awareness about the importance of its management, or being plain ignorant towards it, the...
hilton leads in sustainability

CSR: Leading Sustainability In The Hospitality Industry

Sustainability is a major concern today with the deteriorating state our planet is turning into. While it is important to raise awareness among every individual the benefits of a sustainable lifestyle and repercussions of not following through with it, the major damage is done by the commercial entities. The hospitality industry with its constant use...

15 Year Old Boy Cycles To SPEAK OUT

The scope of bullying has multiplied in the last few years with students from varied socio-economic backgrounds interacting with each other. It could either be for not having a premium smart phone or for posts on a variety of social media platforms. Although it has been a part of the growing process amongst peers,...
Empowering the girl child

CSR: Empowering The Girl Child

It is important in today’s world for everyone to be independent and self reliant. With changing times, India is leaving its patriarchal society back while adapting to equality. However, in order to successfully implement and imbibe these values in every part of the country, it is important to enable equal opportunities for everyone without...

Differently-Abled Indian Cricket Team Heads To Singapore

Cricket has grown into a folly over the years for Indians. Companies too are willing to sponsor and participate in them. The sport receives a large chunk of the limelight along with cricketers earning about 2 crore rupees annually. This is in the games. With the lime light they receive, they easily make way...
Children working in India

Protecting Children For A Brighter Future

Children are the future of our nation. They are the ones who would execute and fulfill the dream we see for our country. However, the dreams would remain just that if we do not protect and nurture the children and make our base stronger. According to the statistics by Action Aid India, one in every...
Digital literacy in Rural India

CSR: EDII To Create 36,000 Rural Enterprises Under SVEP

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), a resource Institute for Entrepreneurship Education, Research, Training and Institution Building has helped improve rural livelihood and employment in village under Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP), a sub-scheme of National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), Ministry of Rural Development. It is dedicated to create sustainable self-employment opportunities for a large...
Media responsibility

Media Nurturing The Culture Of Giving

With great power, comes great responsibility. The quote cannot be better suited to anyone but Media. Media has become very powerful today in forming opinions of the people. Media has become the platform for the government as well as the opposition to build trusts or destroy them. The citizens rely so much on Media...

Power Packed Walks With Empowering Talks For Women

Today, women are playing a significant role in sustainability initiatives, which covers environmental and societal issues, issues of gender equality and inclusiveness in the workplace. There is an increase in the engagement with sustainability leaders from across industries, highlighting important milestones while taking on the challenges faced by women in sustainability. Having walked 3800 kms...

हिंदी मंच