Home CATEGORIES Sports & Culture 8th Edition of India Art Festival – Jan 17-20

8th Edition of India Art Festival – Jan 17-20

Artwork by Prachi Arya
The India Art Festival’s Eighth Edition returns this year in Mumbai a month earlier than usual, on January 17.
This year IAF will be having an outstanding array of 40 galleries with their 300 artist and over 250 individual artists participating from India and from cities worldwide.
India Art Festival’s complete booth sale out six months before the event dates explains how art galleries and artists make a bee-line to get the space in this yearly contemporary art jamboree in the city of Mumbai. Creations like Seascapes, landscapes, rural and urban scenarios and abstracts are seen in abundance in the Artists Pavilion at the festival.
IAF works on being a platform of boosting the confidence of the artists, self-taught or trained, coming from rural or urban backgrounds, giving them the chance to showcase their works before an eclectic audience from metro cities.
IAF will adhere its Dual-Module Pattern of separate Galleries section and The Artist Pavilion which has proven a great success in the past editions. The Gallery Section will also be noticing some international galleries like Gnani Arts from Singapore and Alfalasi.artz from Dubai. Also various galleries from national capital New Delhi and region are Easel Stories, Eminent Art Gallery, Galerie Art Eterne, Gallerie Ruki, Gallerie Splash, Gallery Pioneer, Merakii Art House, Studio Endless Thoughts, etc. Artisera and Charvi Art Gallery from Bangalore will make a presence felt at the festival, while Canarys National Art Foundation and  ekanki art studio from Indore will be seen displaying their artists’ works. From Kolkata: Agantuk Art Tune, from Kolhapur Art Affinittee, from Udaipur Beyond Square, whereas Studio Aditi from Ahmedabad and Kala Bhawan Gallery from Tripura will also make their mark felt in the art festival.
The Artist Pavilion aims to create a dialogue between the viewers and the art maker, the artist and introduce some kind of democratic order in the art fair circuit. This works on a multiple level of engagement as it is necessary for the viewer to know the art practiced as it is needed for the artist to develop perspectives beyond their own lens of understanding, which the viewers’ provide.
Taking their engagement with art activities further, as part of the art festival, this year the ‘IAF Conversations – Artistic Dialogues’ are presented in a new format. The artists who would be participating in these four days Artistic Dialogues are, Prabhakar Kolte, Vilas Shinde, Vidya Kamat, Mahendra Damle and Vaibhav Arekar with Nikhil Purohit as a convenor of the ‘IAF Conversations’.

When: January 17-20

Where: Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai