Adani coal mine site in Australia

Australia: Adani coal mine should be suspended, UN says

The United Nations has asked the Australian Government to consider suspending the Adani project in central Queensland until it gains the support of a...

We Are Calling Out Environmental Racism

The idea of environmental racism is controversial. Even in the age of climate change, many people still view the environment mostly as a set...
human trafficking

CSR: Hospitality Industry Fighting Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is a hidden crime, where a person is acquired in an improper method by force, threat or deception. UN Office on Drugs...
coal mining

The Human Rights Lies Of Coal India Limited

In August 2017, Coal India Limited – the world’s largest coal miner – published a ‘sustainability report’ for 2016-17, as part of its compliance...
UN Human Rights Council

India elected to Human Rights Council at UN with highest number of votes

India, has won a seat at Human Rights Council at United Nations (UN) with the highest votes among all candidates. India was elected with...
Save The Children

Ensuring Every Child Thrives

Save the Children believes that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future and that’s why they are fiercely committed towards ensuring...

Nelson Mandela’s life has valuable lessons on social justice

Today, Nelson Mandela International Day 2018 marks 100 years since the birth of the loved global figure. Nelson Mandela was South Africa’s first democratically...

Digital Efficacy To Change Social Norms And Gender Based Violence

There is still prevalent a shameless abuse of human rights. Entrenched patriarchal social norms, which continue to perpetuate violence. If the growing incidence of...

Increasing Equality A Key Factor To Unlocking Prosperity In Asia-Pacific

The report underscores the importance of addressing poverty through pro-poor urbanisation, effective management of rural-urban transitions, and investment in sustainable infrastructure.

How Did Maharashtra’s State Budget Affect CSR?

The Maharashtra Budget was recently held and tabled by the State Finance Minister, Sudhir Mungatiwar. It saw the allotment of Rs 525 cr for...

Most Companies Becoming Socially More Responsible: Report

NEW DELHI: Most of the top listed companies are becoming more responsible but there is room for large entities to play a more substantial...

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