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March 15, 2025

Health & Sanitation

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14-year-old girl is rainproofing rag pickers in India

Imagine getting up early in the morning each day to go to work; work that involves cleaning the garbage from gutters, sewers, drains, and...

Child obesity on the rise, hospital acts

Child obesity is increasing at an alarming rate in India. India has the second highest number of obese children in the world, with 14.4...

CSR: How Deforestation Contributes to Spreading of Nipah Virus

Nipah virus has hit back the state of Kerala again after claiming 17 lives in 2018. A young student was confirmed to have been...

IKEA Reducing Air Pollution With Design

Air pollution is a growing health peril and severe global concern. The situation in North India is most alarming, with 9 of 10 of...

CSR: Ayurvastra – Fashion With Healing Powers

Ethical fashion has been in a conversation in recent years considering the harmful effects of fast fashion on health, environment and biodiversity. The carcinogenic...

CSR: No Rent for Womb

The government of India has banned commercial surrogacy by passing The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2016 which makes payment for surrogacy a punishable offence. Commercial...

CSR: Plogging – An Altruistic Fitness Trend

Waking up early and stepping out to jog in the fresh morning air, but getting irritated instead for having to navigate your way through...

Whisper pledges to educate 5 crore adolescent girls about menstrual hygiene in India by 2022

Whisper today pledged to reach out and extend the impact of its flagship ‘Mother Daughter Menstrual Health & Hygiene Program’ to 5 Crore girls by...

CSR: Talking It Out – Menstrual Hygiene Day

Conversation on menstruation has been a taboo for decades in India. In the last few years, with Sabarimala judgement and the film Padman, the...

Tata Power curbs the prevalence of Tobacco consumption amongst 1800 children

Adolescence is one of the most important phases of a child’s life. The experiences that children undergo during this phase have a long-lasting impact...

The need for a force of ophthalmologists to improve eye health scenario in India

India’s large populace requires ophthalmic care. But the question is, does it have enough human resource to address this need? Despite major advances in...

CSR: Alabama Anti-Abortion Law – A Move to Counter Women Empowerment

A new anti-abortion law passed on 15th May, 2019, in Alabama of the United States of America is a major blow on women empowerment,...

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