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Tag: Rural health

ASHA Workers

ASHA Workers and AI to Work Together Against Breast Cancer

The Accredited Social Health Activist or ASHA workers will soon be assigned the task of collecting vital data to help artificial intelligence identify breast...

Menstrual Hygiene Day: Top CSR projects working towards menstrual health and hygiene in India

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that every woman goes through. However, lack of proper knowledge about menstrual hygiene is a major issue for women...

CSR: Free nationwide health check-up camp hosted for women in underprivileged areas

Online Chikitsa Mitra, a pioneering telemedicine-driven rural health-tech start-up, reaffirmed its commitment to women's health and empowerment with a successful free online health check-up...

CSR Leaders: Simrat Bishnoi from Amway India talks about their CSR projects for battling malnutrition, women empowerment and healthcare in rural areas

Child and maternal malnutrition continues to be a major challenge in India in the present day. The rate of malnutrition even today in several...

How can CSR Funds Help Build the Rural Health Infrastructure in India for COVID and Beyond?

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us that despite several policies oriented towards rural growth and development, the widening socio-economic disparities have posed a huge...

ई-संजीवनी टेलीमेडिसिन से घर बैठे हुआ 3 लाख मरीजों का इलाज

आज के इस तकनीकी युग में जिंदगी कितनी आसान हो गयी है इसका जीता जागता उदाहरण है ई-संजीवनी टेलीमेडिसिन सर्विसेस। भारत सरकार की स्वास्थ्य...

सीएसआर ने बदली मैसूरु वासियों जिंदगी, हो रहें है सेहतमंद

सीएसआर यानि कॉर्पोरेट सोशल रिस्पांसिबिलिटी, ये महज कंपनी एक्ट में कानून ही नहीं है बल्कि ये एक ऐसा सामाजिक हथियार है जिससे जिंदगियां बदल...

Health Insurers Improvising the Rural Healthcare Scenario

Rural India is characterized by a high burden of infectious as well as chronic ailments owing to lack of awareness around appropriate sanitation, good...

Affordable Healthcare For All – RHCF

There is a severe dearth of healthcare facilities in rural India. Despite accounting for more than 68% of the population, only about 3% of...
Uttar Pradesh

My Journey To Uttar Pradesh

In his previous column, Dr Anantpal Singh talked about his experiences as a healthcare innovator in Bihar. This piece in the series explores Uttar...
medical equipment for healthcare

CSR: Quality Healthcare For All

Healthcare service in Rural India is still a vision for the future. In a country where the majority resides in villages, not having excellent...
Healthcare for everyone

Healthcare – A Right, Not A Privilege

Health care in India is still not a privilege to everyone. There are several communities in the country for which basic healthcare needs are...

हिंदी मंच