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Tag: Jharkhand

रांची डीसी ने की सीएसआर समीक्षा, स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं पर दिया जोर

एस्पिरेशनल डिस्ट्रिक्ट रांची के नए नियुक्त डिप्टी कमिश्नर छवि रंजन एक्शन में दिख रहें है, सीएसआर को लेकर रांची डीसी ने गुरूवार को एक...

CSR: Transforming adolescent lives in India

India has 243 million adolescents by UNICEF’s count, but the country performed dismally on adolescent girls’ health, safety and education. A TrustLaw poll ranked...

Give And Let Give

Banker Amitava Ghosh has been a passionate mentor to women’s tribal Self-Help Groups in remote Jharkhand, having helped set up a famous tribal entrepreneurship store that showcases the arts, crafts, and folk culture of the region.

हिंदी मंच