Home CATEGORIES Education and Skill Training CSR: 5 Ways To Detect A Fake Job

CSR: 5 Ways To Detect A Fake Job

job scam alert

Job scams were not so common in India before the digital revolution. Job postings used to appear in the newspaper’s classifieds section, which was pricey enough to hold off the scammers. However now, with easy accessibility to the internet, it has become easier for scammers to collect information about unsuspecting individuals and use it to make money.

It is becoming more and more difficult to differentiate a legitimate job from a fake one. However, there are certain patterns in the way the scammers work, which could help to detect if the job is fake and save yourself from fraud.

1. The No Paying rule

Irrespective of how smart the scammers are, their ultimate goal is to get money from the candidate. So, asking for any kind of payment, irrespective of the amount, is a red flag.

2. Research the company

Do thorough research on the company before accepting the offer. The first way to do that is by looking up the company’s website. Confirm the contact and address details and check reviews on public channels.

3. Free v/s Official

A recruiter using free email accounts such as Gmail or Hotmail is a red flag. Genuine professional recruiters will only use their official email addresses to send any offers.

4. Mandatory interview

Any job offered without an interview is most likely fake. No matter how impressive your resume looks, without a proper conversation, confirmation of the job cannot be given.

5. The gory details

If the recruiter is genuine, she will have detailed information about the company hiring, the salary they would be willing to pay for a particular profile and the job description. If a person is unable to answer those questions, it is most certainly a fake job.

Lastly, if there is even a hint of a doubt, it is better to stay away and help the community by reporting the suspicious person to the authorities.

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