Home CATEGORIES Health & Sanitation NFHS-4 Indicates At Full Immunisation Coverage

NFHS-4 Indicates At Full Immunisation Coverage

Thanks to the Government of Odisha's commitment and support from the UK, mums-to-be and new mums can now get advice and support from day one in every village. Support now starts well before a baby's due date, and continues until their first birthday. Community health worker, Rebati, gives babies like Adilya, polio and other life saving vaccinations for at least the first year of their lives. Britain is working with the Government of Odisha, one of India's poorest states, and UNICEF to save the lives of thousands of mums and babies., Babies born in the poorer states of India – a country where more people live in poverty than the whole of Africa – now have a better chance of surviving than ever before. Thanks to the Government of Odisha's commitment and support from the UK, mums-to-be and new mums can get advice and support from day one in every village. Vital ante and post-natal care that helps mums bring their babies into the world safe and well. See how community health workers, nurses, soap opera stars and granny self help groups are together helping save the lives of thousands of babies in our gallery. UPDATE, June 2012: In 2011-12, 150,000 children like Baby Sethy have been delivered safely in India with the help of skilled birth attendants thanks to support from Britain. And across the world's poorest countries, UK aid has made sure half a million mums had the help of skilled doctors and nurses to have their babies in the last two years. ------------------------------ The Government of Odisha is working with the UK Government to improve health services, support community health workers and increase take up from families in every village - helping to save the lives of thousands of mums and babies. Britain is supporting the governments of three of India's poorer states (Odisha, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh) and UNICEF to bring healthcare to everyone, especially the poorest and most disadvantaged. All pictures © Pippa Ranger / Department for International Development For more information, visit www.dfid.gov.uk/changinglives

The National Family Health Survey-4 noted a remarkable change in the country’s health scenario. It states that throughout the country, children within the age of 12-23 months have been fully immunised for BCG, measles and 3 doses of polio each. There was an increase in the coverage of vaccines for DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) by 18%, from the last health survey in 2005-06. The improvement in statistics is very significant and should be accredited to the government and corporate projects regarding child welfare. Only in 2015, CRY had claimed that 11 lakh infants in the country die due to immunisation gaps. And the NHFS-4, for 2015-16 states that the entire country has been covered.

The reasons reported for why children couldn’t get vaccinated were manifold. There was a lack of awareness among mothers and families to get the vaccines at the advised age or the harms of not getting them. There were many government awareness camps organised, especially in the rural areas. But little results came from that. Another major issue was the distance of the rural areas from the health centres and the unavailability of qualified doctors there.The vaccination cycles of the children were left incomplete due to rapid migration of families.

The smallest unit of the health infrastructure is the sub-centres, that is closest to the rural areas. Many of the sub-centres were still under construction until last year. The Rural Health Statistics report 2016 also states that the sub-centres are very poorly equipped. The government has run schemes like Anganwadi, Accredited Social Health Workers (ASHA) and Auxiliary Nursing Midwife, along with little assistance from government health infrastructure. Child welfare has attracted a lot of CSR funds from big corporate houses. Glenmark Foundation’s flagship CSR project ‘Kavach’ which promotes the health of mothers and children up to five years of age. Max India Foundation and Ultra Tech Cement also have immunisation as one of their prime projects for CSR.

These projects help in increasing awareness about vaccination and there is a dire need for that. A very important part of the problem, however, was on the infrastructure and personnel end. The government reports are at odds with each other since the Rural Health Statistics states the poor condition of the infrastructure and dearth of qualified doctors. Yet, the NFHS-4 claims to have covered every child pan India for immunisation. If the problem is indeed solved, it is a noteworthy feat achieved by the government. However, if it is not, the statistics are misleading. Government’s monitoring methods for its policies and their implementation on ground are taken to be the most credible sources of information to understand where the country stands. However, there are glaring discrepancies in the numbers, which need to be cross-checked because accuracy is key for policy formation.

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