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National Dengue Day 2024: Leading Vaccine Candidates Make Strides Toward Availability

National Dengue Day is observed every year on May 16th to raise awareness about this dangerous mosquito-borne viral disease that impacts millions globally. As...
National Vaccination Day

National Vaccination Day: Promoting Health, Equity, and Environmental Sustainability

Vaccination stands as a cornerstone of public health, serving as a formidable weapon against once-deadly diseases. Diseases like Polio and Smallpox, which once wreaked...

More than 1000 dogs vaccinated in Chennai as part of Canvax2023

Chennai, India: Thryve Digital Health, a leading provider of Healthcare technology and operations services, has set a new World Record for vaccinating the largest...

CSR of Tata Motors delivers all-new Winger Vaccine Van in Pantnagar

Furthering its commitment to improve the wellbeing of the communities in which it operates, Tata Motors announced the delivery of Two Tata Winger Vaccine...

वैक्सीनेशन फ्रॉड से कैसे बचें, कैसे करें असली-नकली वैक्सीन की पहचान

कोरोना की महामारी में देश ने ऐसी भी परिस्थितियां देखी कि सरकार वैक्सीन लगवाने को लेकर लगातार अपील करती रही लेकिन लोग अफवाहों के...

Sonu Sood announces volunteer programme COVREG for COVID-19 vaccination registration in rural India

Sonu Sood today launched his new initiative, COVREG, which aims to create the world’s biggest volunteer program for Covid vaccination registration in rural India. The...

टीका उत्सव मनाएं, टीकाकरण कराएं, कोरोना भगाएं  

देश भर के एक बार फिर से कोरोना के केसेस बढ़ रहे है। कोरोना की ये दूसरी लहर, पहली लहर से ज्यादा घातक है,...

PM Modi Targets Zero Vaccine Wastage with ‘Tika Utsav’

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for a ‘Tika Utsav’ aka vaccine festival next week. As India struggles through the second deadly wave of...

कोरोना टीकाकरण की शुरुआत, जानें वैक्सीन की बड़ी बातें

आखिरकार वो घड़ी आ ही गई जिसका कोरोना वायरस के दस्तक देने के बाद से ही भारत को इंतजार था। जिसका देश का हर...

NFHS-4 Indicates At Full Immunisation Coverage

NFHS-4 states that throughout the country, children within the age of 12-23 months have been fully immunised for BCG, measles and 3 doses of polio each. There was an increase in the coverage of vaccines for DPT by 18%, from the last health survey.

हिंदी मंच