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March 15, 2025

Women & Child Welfare

28 C

Why Attach Casteism Or Religion To An Unacceptable Criminal Offence?

Development, growth, education, women empowerment – these are the words that our politicians use when they fight elections. And these are the keywords in...

Child Safety On The CSR Agenda

It hasn’t been long since the terror of Blue Whale game had taken the teenagers and children across the globe by a storm. In...

CSR: Diversifying The Approach

Today, women are playing a significant role in sustainability initiatives for their organisations, which not only covers environmental and societal issues, but also focuses...

CSR: Video Game In Vernacular Languages To Create Awareness Against Trafficking

Thousands of girls get lost into the black hole of trafficking. There are over 3 million prostituted women in India, out of which 1.2...

In conversation with Mrs Pankaja Munde and Mr. Jagannath Kumar at Reliance Nutrition Garden MOU Signing Event

Government of Maharashtra and Reliance Foundation has collaborated to minimise malnutrition in children through adoption of Reliance Nutrition Gardens. The partnership is aimed at...

CSR: Make Gender Transformative Change A Sustainable Reality

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education is imperative as it helps in mitigating...

Fighting The Good And Very Necessary Fight

Chandigarh resident, Varnika Kundu is known to many, as the girl who fought her attackers. She showed courage and fought her 'influential' stalkers inspiring...

CSR: Reducing The Wide Gap Between Men And Women

The bond shared by a father and daughter is priceless too. A dad's involvement in his daughter's life is a crucial ingredient in her...

Equality Is Not A One-Day Theme

Women’s empowerment takes patient investment; it’s not just a one-day theme. With the same principle in mind, Anjita Solanki was empowered to sell digital...

आजादी के ७० वर्षो में भारत में महिलाएँ कितनी आजाद हुई है?

आए दिन अखबारों के पन्ने काली स्याही से भरे होते हैं, स्याही समाचारों से।कभी निर्भया की दिल दहलाने वाली दास्तान तो कभी किसी मासूम...

Support And Applaud Her Long Overdue Equality

Sexual Harassment has emerged as the biggest equality issue facing women globally and in India, next in line are other distressing issues of sexual violence,...

Sridevi, A Woman Of Substance

Every woman is like a goddess. She has a capacity to give endless love but also fight and even kill for her honor, love...

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