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March 10, 2025

Women & Child Welfare

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Indian NGOs celebrate the formal adoption of the 2019 Resolution on the Rights of the Child by the UN General Assembly

The Resolution on the Rights of the Child has been formally adopted by the UNGA on 18 December 2019, the resolution focuses on children without parental care –...

CSR Spreads Christmas Cheer in India

Christmas is a time to be with family and friends, to enjoy good food and be creative with presents. It's also a time to...

Rethinking Government School Education – A Transformation in The Making

Schools are the foundation for children to acquire knowledge and develop a personality. Inclusive and holistic growth of a child relies on various factors,...

Top Nonprofits in India for Education and Skill Development of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children

Nonprofits in India for education and skill development have a gargantuan task laid out for them. Education is of utmost importance among parents who...

CSR Arm of SOBHA Organises Dowry-Free Weddings

Despite the Indian Parliament having passed strict laws against the evil practice, thousands of young women continue to be murdered each year across the...

CSR News: Tata Power launches Maharashtra’s 1st All Women Dairy Enterprise

India’s milk production stands at 176.4 million tonnes today. This has been majorly contributed by the women of the country who make up a...

Bhubaneswar Transforming into Child-Friendly City: Rushda Majeed, Representative of India, BvLF

Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF) is an independent foundation working worldwide to inspire and inform large scale action to improve the health and well-being...

Human Rights Day 2019 – Legal Rights of Every Woman in India

Today is International Human Rights Day 2019 and the last day of the 16 days of activism campaign, which The CSR Journal has been...

The World Participates in Orange The World Campaign

Orange the World campaign has grabbed eyeballs of the millennials across the globe. Global citizens with their activism and firm stance against gender-based violence...

मर रहीं हैं बेटियां, धूल फांक रहा “निर्भया फंड”

बवाल मचा और सवाल हुआ, सवाल ये कि आखिरकार क्यों सरकार बलात्कार जैसी घिनौनी वारदात पर अंकुश नहीं लगा पा रही है, सवाल हुआ...

Preventive Measures to Eliminate Violence Against Women

Orange the World campaign launched by the UN, is a multi-year effort aimed at preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls, will focus...

GRI, Ambuja Cement Foundation explore integral role women play in achieving all 17 SDGs

While SDG 5 is focused on gender equality, women are integral to each of the 17 proposed SDGs. However, few development initiatives lay focus...

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