Nanhi Kali

Girl power: Project Nanhi Kali

Project Nanhi Kali is one of India’s largest programmes which enables underprivileged girls to complete 10 years of schooling with dignity. The project has impacted over 3,50,000 girls across the country since inception. The Nanhi Kali program was started by Anand Mahindra (Chairman of the Mahindra Group) against a backdrop of spiralling population rates, low...

Transforming Indian education through innovation in technology

The Government of India has taken huge initiatives in the direction of providing 'education to all' to accomplish the aspiration of inclusive growth. The central government has launched the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education at all levels of school education. One of the stated aims of the mission is...

Parisar Asha: Revolutionising Education with ESAL

‘Education must present our children with a gift that offers the wonders of exploratory learning, the confidence that comes from building one’s discovered strengths and the hope that comes from seeing the problems when faced rather than feared. It must provide challenges for creative solutions and most of all, a way of life.’ - Late...

Oxfam: A Just World Without Poverty

Oxfam is marking its 67th year of working in India this year. Oxfam’s vision is a just world without poverty. Oxfam knows that the most effective solutions to poverty are found when people are able to exercise their rights to livelihoods and decent work, and when they can work together to increase living standards and...

A Special Pathsala for Persons with Special Needs – V-Excel, Nashik, Maharashtra

V-Excel Educational Trust (V-Excel) is a Public Charitable Trust providing lifespan services to persons with cognitive and intellectual disabilities since 2001. It provides a wide range of programs and services including early intervention, special schools, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, art/music/play therapies, remedial services, vocational training, livelihood enhancement, teacher training, outreach programs, and counselling. The...
Shelter Associates

Sanitation For The Urban Poor

Upholding the vision of an India where every citizen has access to basic infrastructure and secure tenure, Pratima Joshi co-founded Shelter Associates (SA) in 1993. It has a team of accomplished architects, social workers, geographic information systems (GIS) analysts and community workers that strives toward ensuring equal distribution of rights and resources by enabling...
Kala Drishti

Cultivating Art Awareness

Picture making, drawing and painting is as ancient as mankind itself. Man expressed himself by observing human forms, other living beings and objects around him, sketching them on walls, paper, and cloth and other surfaces. Kala Drishti’s aim is to cultivate awareness and eye for an art. Kala Drishti presents an art heritage collection conceptualized...
Save The Children

Ensuring Every Child Thrives

Save the Children believes that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future and that’s why they are fiercely committed towards ensuring that children not only survive, but thrive. They run programmes in the remotest corners of India and urban areas to provide quality education and healthcare, protection from harm and abuse...
Ratna Nidhi

Artificial Legs For Dogs

We have been impacting the lives of human beings for years. But, only recently, has a charitable trust by the name of Ratna Nidhi gone a step further. They have expanded our reach to animals. They now provide the same high quality and efficient treatment of physical disabilities they have been doling out to...
Saving lives of malnourished children - Fight Hunger Foundation

Saving lives of malnourished children

If you drive about a 100 kms away from Mumbai, you reach Palghar, a region known as the Deccan Trap because of its hilly terrain, inadequate rainfall and challenging landscape. Go a bit further inside and you reach Mokhada, a small block, where you will be met by the local tribal community of about...
Concern India - Suraksha

Suraksha – Helping adolescents embrace menstruation

Menstruation is still a taboo subject in India. The shame around menstruation forces thousands of girls to drop out of school once they reach puberty, impeding the growth of female literacy in India. It’s a terrible fallout of what is a wholly natural and normal process for girls across the world. Concern India Foundation (www.concernindiafoundation.org) has...
Give India

Help women fight back

GiveIndia has initiated a new campaign to help survivors of violence against women, to fight back. In partnership with Majlis Manch, Apnalaya, Guriya and ActionAid, the aim is to create a platform for people who want to do more than just express outrage about the shocking cases of abuse and violence that are so...

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