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Women & Child Welfare

Women in Boards

CSR: Gender Diversity on Boards improve in India

The revised Companies Act, 2013 made it mandatory for all listed companies and other public limited firms to appoint at least one woman as a member of the Board of Directors. India became the first developing country in the world to have such a norm to empower women as well as promote diversity at...
gender diversity

CSR: Gender Diversity can be Productive in Business

Gender Diversity in the business world makes a company more productive, as measured by market value and revenue, according to research conducted by Harvard Business Review. In a study of 1069 leading firms across 35 countries and 24 industries, it was found that countries and industries that view gender diversity as important, capture benefits...
Time zone

CSR: Single Time Zone in India causing hinderance in National Development

Poverty and Education are two issues that India is struggling with for decades. Many reasons have been listed for causing these problems in the country, including overpopulation, lack of awareness, gender inequality, corruption, and many more. However, new research suggests that a single time zone in the entire country also plays a role in...
Anuja Bansal

CSR spending has mostly gone to set priorities of India Inc: Anuja Bansal, Secretary General, SOS Children’s Villages of India

One person can make a difference. Working together we make lasting changes, believes Anuja Bansal. As Secretary General of SOS Children’s Villages of India, her role is to lead the organisation in the strategic direction they have envisaged for themselves by 2020 and 2030, with the support and partnership of all stakeholders. With over five...
Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education: A Head Start to Learning

While the schooling years sets the trajectory for learning and development, the years that precede the start of the primary schooling age are considered to lay down the early foundations for this learning and development. Year after year, the ASER report has chalked out the learning deficit posing serious questions on the efficacy of...
digital finance for women

Empowering women through digital finance

Did you know that poor women account for 1.1 billion of the world’s unbanked adults, or most of the financially excluded? Financial inclusion needs to bridge gender gaps for it to become truly inclusive, and India has a long way to go in this respect. In order for digital finance to reach rural women sustainably, there...
child sexual abuse

ActionAid India launches a campaign against Child Sexual Abuse

ActionAid India, an agency working with vulnerable communities since 1972 to further social and ecological justice, in partnership with WATConsult, a digital agency in the Dentsu Aegis Network's bouquet, has launched #JoinTheDots, a campaign to highlight child sexual abuse. The campaign aims to prevent the incidence of abuse as well as encourages adults to...

Effective Childcare to Disrupt the Poverty Cycle

With growing urbanization in the country, more and more people are moving to larger cities to seek jobs and make a better life for themselves. The cities, ill-prepared for the surge in population is doing its best to accommodate all the migrants by expansion. This has caused a lot more construction projects to line...

Our goals are aligned with the SDGs: Suma Ravi, Regional Director (South), CRY

Suma Ravi belongs to that rare breed of business graduates who chose to work in the non-profit sector rather than the corporate field, way before it became a lucrative career choice. A Business Management graduate from XLRI, Suma has worked for several years in the market research industry as a qualitative researcher – in...
human trafficking

CSR: Hospitality Industry Fighting Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is a hidden crime, where a person is acquired in an improper method by force, threat or deception. UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has defined human trafficking as, “Trafficking in persons shall mean the recruitment, trans­portation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of...
Artwork by Jasjyot Singh Hans

Join the Body Positivity movement

To anybody who has ever denied the beauty of a full-bodied woman, artist Jasjyot Singh Hans’ work will have you eat all your words and your preconceived notions about beauty standards. It was immediately after finishing his course in Animation Film Design at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, that animator and illustrator Jasjyot...
environment sustainability and women empowerment

Empowering Women for Environmental Sustainability

Gender bias is ingrained globally in the cultures, economies, political and social institutions. Women are subject to prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination and abuse, causing them to not meet their potential in the process of decision making in society. This inequality raises a lot of moral questions. However, it also pushes the goal of achieving environmental...

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