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March 10, 2025

Author: Hency Thacker

CSR of the Vacation Rental Companies

Vacation Rental Industry has been growing rapidly over the last few years. According to research by Futurestay, global vacation rental market is expected to...

CSR: Ethical Dilemma in Technological Development

Technological development is advancing at a rapid pace. Along with it, the unresolved problems ranging from data privacy abuse to fake news misinformation, mental...

CSR: Changing Roles of Corporate Foundations

The CSR mandate has encouraged many corporates to take up the matter of social, national and environmental development in their own hands. Instead of...

Why are Ethics Important During a Downfall in Business

It is not so difficult to install business ethics when the business is flourishing. It gets difficult to hold on to ethics when the...

CSR: Business Benefits of Transparency in Supply Chains

According to the International Labour Organisation, about 24.9 million people are victims of forced labour. Of them, 16 million are employed by the private...

CSR: The Role of Small Scale Fisheries in Blue Economy

Addressing the sustainability of blue economy is a matter of concern across the globe. Especially for India as the country is surrounded by sea...

CSR: Price of a Cup of Tea

India is among the largest consumers of tea in the world. It represents 19% of the global tea market. Tea is part of every...

CSR Dilemma – Environment Vs Human Rights

The corporate sector is increasingly getting involved in solving climate problems by making a lot of changes in its operations as well as through...

CSR: Gender Diversity on Boards improve in India

The revised Companies Act, 2013 made it mandatory for all listed companies and other public limited firms to appoint at least one woman as...

CSR: Innovation to Manage Waste and Facilitate Organic Farming

India generates about 62 million tons of bio-waste every year. Average of 10 million tons of cow dung is generated every year in the...

CSR: How Agriculture Affects Health

Inclusive Agriculture is a type of organic agriculture where all the organisms are considered important in food production. It is a practice where every...

CSR: Agriculture and Water Pollution

“Some of the major issues of the world can be tackled by inclusive farming,” said Manoj Solanki, Farmer at ‘Chintan Farms’, Shri Ram Krushna...

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