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March 10, 2025

Author: Hency Thacker

Understanding the Four Levels of CSR

The idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a topic of discussion since the 1950s. However, it wasn’t until much later that people...

CSR For Children – Quality Education And Right Upbringing

John F. Kennedy had said, “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.” Children of today will shape...

New Zealand Passed A Climate Change Bill Unanimously

The Paris Agreement of 2015 was accompanied by nationally determined contribution (NDC) targets set by countries domestically and reported to the United Nations Framework...

National Cancer Awareness Day – Fighting the Disease on Combat Mode

According to India Against Cancer, in India, one woman dies of cervical cancer every 8 minutes. For every 2 women newly diagnosed with breast...

Odd-Even Scheme Ineffective in Reducing Air Pollution in Delhi

The Delhi government has rolled out its third edition of the Odd-Even car rationing scheme on November 4, 2019, after the city's Air Quality...

World Tsunami Awareness Day 2019 – Build To Last

On December 26th 2004, a devastating Tsunami in the Indian ocean created havoc in 14 countries, killing over 230,000 people. The tsunami was a...

Twitter’s Commitment to Social Responsibility – Ban on Political Ads

Sophists were the first political philosophers, contemporary to Socrates, who believed that virtue, in general, is the ability to acquire those things that people...

World Vegan Day – Going Vegan For One Day A Week

Veganism is a growing trend among the millennials as well as influencers across the world. With all of its health and environment benefits, it...

Preventive Climate Action or Disaster Management

Businesses are recognizing the risks associated with climate change. More severe weather patterns are already impacting the economy and making parts of the world...

Ethical Dilemma in Growing Organoids

On Monday, October 21, at Neuroscience 2019, the Society for Neuroscience’s 49th annual meeting, held in Chicago, U.S., two neuroscientists warned the gathering that...

CSR: Reviving Health of Our Rivers

Water is the most important resource for the survival of life. In fact, life for the first time was detected not on land, but...

Genome Sequencing in India

It has been rightly said that ‘Prevention is better than cure.’  Especially in the context of healthcare. Technological advancement is taking slow but sure...

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