Home CATEGORIES Animal Welfare World Vegan Day – Reduce Your Foodprint

World Vegan Day – Reduce Your Foodprint

UN/FAO report Livestock’s Long Shadow found that about a fifth of all human-produced greenhouse gases came from meat, dairy and egg farming. The World Bank and IFC’s report Livestock and Climate Change checked their findings in 2009. They concluded the figure was nearer to a half of all emissions.
The UN report counted the greenhouse gas from land clearing, growing animal feed, farming livestock, food processing and transporting meat and dairy products. The meat and dairy industries are also draining the world’s water supply.

What’s your Foodprint?

At least 20% of our carbon footprint comes from the food we eat every day. Every one of us can have a big impact by eating food that has a lower carbon footprint. Beef, pork, lamb and cheese have high carbon footprints. Fruit, vegetables, beans and grains have low carbon footprints.
Food’s carbon footprint, or foodprint, is the greenhouse gas emissions produced by growing, rearing, farming, processing, transporting, storing, cooking and disposing of the food you eat. Changing the foods that you eat can have a big impact on your carbon footprint. And reduce pollution, preserve the environment and slow global warming.

Eat vegan

A meat lover has the highest carbon footprint at 3.3 tons of greenhouse gas emissions. A vegan diet has the lowest carbon footprint at just 1.5 tons CO2e (Carbon Dioxide Equivalent). You can reduce your foodprint by a quarter just by cutting down on red meats such as beef and lamb.
It’s good for the animals too!  Most animals are raised in factory farms where they live in horrific conditions. The factory workers also suffer from poor wages and dangerous working practices. Factory farms are heavy polluters of the air and ground. The meat they produce is also polluted with superbugs. Over 3.5 million people get sick from eating ‘dirty’ meat every year in the US.
It’s good for you too! Vegans live longer than meat-eaters. They are slimmer than meat-eaters. Vegans have a lower risk of getting heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.