Home CATEGORIES Health & Sanitation Immunity Booster: Protect Yourself from Cold and Flu

Immunity Booster: Protect Yourself from Cold and Flu

protect yourself from cold and flu
Are people around you catching a cold? Winter colds and flus are an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that arise as a result of a violation of the laws of health. They are a house-clean, say health and wellness experts. Colds are needed to expel built-up waste. This house-clean will rarely need to happen if you follow these natural healing principles.

Principles for protecting yourself from cold and flu

1. Sun

Whenever possible, spend time in the sunshine, with as much contact with the skin as possible. This improves the circulation, oxygenates the body and enhances the digestion. Enjoy the health-dealing, life-giving power of the sun.

2. Ingest with care

Don’t take anything into the body that will harm it. This rules out all stimulants, saturated fats (which include margarine), all refined foods and animal products. These weaken the system and break down the fortifications that nature has set up to guard against disease and premature decay.

3. Early bedtime

Make sure you are in bed by 9:30 pm every night, earlier if possible. (This will ensure that your batteries are ‘recharged’ every night). Better to have an extra blanket on the bed and the window open a little, than a warm room with no fresh air while you sleep.

4. Movement every day

This is probably one of the most effective preventative measures. Only half an hour of brisk walking per day is all it takes. The key to the effectiveness of this is that the walk be brisk, causing the respiration to increase and the heart rate to rise. It also must become a daily habit, rain hail or snow. The best way to warm the human body is to warm it the way it was designed to be warmed: by activity.

5. Fuel

One portion of every meal should have raw food. Begin your meal with the raw food as it is alive with enzymes and digests quickly. If you find the raw food too cold, it can be warmed up with fresh garlic and cayenne pepper, which do not irritate, but only stimulate the circulation. Cooked, hot food is nice in the winter, but make sure it always has a raw accompaniment. A large breakfast, a big lunch, and a light or no evening meal is the eating program the human machinery thrives on.

6. Water

Drink two to three litres of water a day. This is not negotiable as this is what a human being of average height and weight loses a day. It must be replaced by water only. Dehydration is a big contributing factor in winter colds and flus. Early morning and between meals is best as it doesn’t interfere with digestion. Stop half an hour before a meal and resume 1.5-2 hours after a meal.

7. After shower

Use the cold to prevent colds. It is vital to finish every hot bath and shower with a 10-15 second cold rinse. Many have proven this an indispensable aid in preventing colds and flus.
Quick application of cold water is a marvelous tonic, giving tone to the muscles and nervous system, preventing a chilling and equalizing the circulation.

What to Do if You Catch a Cold

Here are several options to increase the body’s ability to ‘clean house’ quickly.
a) Drink a glass of water every ten minutes for an hour at the first sign of a cold. This will allow a quick house-clean and often prevent it going further.
b) Have a hot foot bath for 20 minutes. Put a teaspoon of mustard and half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper into the foot bath. Wrap a blanket around yourself, and drink two glasses of water while sitting there. Finish by pouring a jug of cold water over the feet.
c) Breathe deeply the freshest of air. Well-oxygenated air cleanses and purifies the bloodstream, and gives food to the lungs.
d) Get some sun if you get a coldAllow the sun to bathe the face and chest. Use safe sun: short bursts in the middle of the day, longer session when your shadow is as ‘long’ as you are. Sunshine touching the skin increases the circulation to those areas, which increases healing.
e) On the first day, eat no food. Drink three litres of water through the day, as well as herb teas, such as peppermint. Have fresh fruit and vegetable juices every couple of hours if desired. On the second day, eat RAW food only. Sprinkle the salad with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice crushed garlic and cayenne pepper. Avoid grains, as they are mucus-forming when you have a cold. Slowly reintroduce grains and legumes as the cold subsides.
f) Spend a small portion of the day resting; early nights are vital. The body is designed to restore and health while it sleeps.
g) A brisk walk warms the body and increases its healing powers by increasing the circulation and the burning off and expelling of waste.
This wellness article is part of a series on natural healing.
