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CSR: 5 Things To Leave Behind In 2018

leave behind in 2018

Last day of the year is often used to reflect on how the year has passed and evaluate the events to draw learnings out of them. 2018 was an eventful year for India in terms of development, business and CSR. Before welcoming the new year, we want to ensure that we leave these five things behind us.

  1. Littering

Littering the streets is a huge problem in India. Single-use plastic pollution is especially prominent in the major cities. With only 1000 people collecting the waste generated by millions of people, waste management is a tricky business which needs combined effort.

We can help the system a bit by ensuring that we do not litter. Always throw the garbage in a dustbin. And if there isn’t one, carry it in a bag till you find one.

  1. Open Defecation

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has aimed to make India open defecation free by 2022. The practice that is unhygienic, can also prove dangerous for women’s safety. Thus, with 2018 we want to leave it behind, and welcome the new year keeping health and hygiene in mind.

  1. Gender Inequality

The patriarchal society of India has been struggling with gender equality issues since decades. With many issues being addressed this year, we want to end 2018 with a positive thought that we will be leaving gender prejudices behind and shatter the taboos of the society.

  1. Fear of doing the right thing

Crime in India happens all the time in one form or other. Be it in form of someone blackmailing or bribing someone else. Child marriages, sex determination and female foeticide are common in different parts of the country. In order to fight against these evils, it is important for citizens to stand up for what is right and speak up so that justice is served.

  1. Shortcuts

It takes a lot of hard work, time and energy for anyone to succeed. Using immoral means to get ahead can only provide sour fruits in a longer run. Thus, sticking to honest methods and bidding adieu to shortcuts would take us farther.

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The CSR Journal Team
