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March 10, 2025

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CSR: Zero Budget Natural Farming Initiative

Agriculture has been blamed for one of the major contributors to climate change. Considering the fact that it is responsible for around third of...

CSR: Healthcare on Two-Wheels

Bureaucrats are generally criticized in mainstream media but these new age bureaucrats are changing the image of the whole class. Every other day you...

CSR Needs To Step In To Control AES Outbreak

More than 100 children lost their lives in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar because of the Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) outbreak. AES, more commonly referred...

CSR: Securing The Future of Working Women

The future of the female workforce is at risk of unemployment because of various developments in the technological sector. In order to ensure that...

CSR: The Future of Women Workforce

There is a growing acceptance in the world regarding the necessity of women’s economic empowerment to drive global growth and sustainability. However, the future of women...

CSR: Fight to Eliminate Child Labour

June 12 has been recognised as the World Day Against Child Labour across the world. Child labour is a cruel yet highly prevalent practice...

CSR: How Deforestation Contributes to Spreading of Nipah Virus

Nipah virus has hit back the state of Kerala again after claiming 17 lives in 2018. A young student was confirmed to have been...

CSR: State of India’s Environment

Climate change has caused a lot of upheaval across the globe. India has not been spared of the consequences of it. This World Environment...

CSR: Ayurvastra – Fashion With Healing Powers

Ethical fashion has been in a conversation in recent years considering the harmful effects of fast fashion on health, environment and biodiversity. The carcinogenic...

CSR: Kerala paves the way for recycling plastic

Whenever you enter a city or a town in India, mountains of burning waste is a common sight. Bhalswa in Delhi and Deonar in...

CSR: No Rent for Womb

The government of India has banned commercial surrogacy by passing The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2016 which makes payment for surrogacy a punishable offence. Commercial...

India’s Stand on Domestic Violence

Women have always been advised by the conservatives that they should stay at home rather than stepping out for their safety. Home is considered...

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