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3D printing

Is 3D printing really eco-friendly?

3D printing has been hailed as the catalyst for the next industrial revolution and the “democratisation of manufacturing”, being viewed as having the capacity to shift manufacturing to a more local level - from mass-production to mass-customisation. However, in reality the balance of pros and cons is more complex, and the technology is unlikely to...
gender pay gap

CSR: Gender Pay Gap and SDG 5

Globally, it is estimated that women earn 77% of what men earn. While data from 37 countries show the gender pay gap is slowly decreasing according to the UN Women report ‘Turning Promises Into Action’, at current trends equal pay will not be achieved before the year 2086 without targeted action. Since gender pay gaps...
Green Bonds

Green Bonds – Sustainability Financing Tool

Green bonds have emerged in the past decade as an effective and innovative financial instrument that provides long-term, large-scale financing solutions needed for the required investments in projects aimed to address environmental challenges. Technically, Green Bonds are virtually the same as conventional bonds. The difference is that for the former the capital should be...

It is cruel to wear silk. Find out why

Did you know, some 6,600 silkworms are killed to make just 1 kilogram of silk? Silk is the fibre that silkworms weave to make their cocoons – outer casings that protect them during the pupal stage. But most of the insects used by the silk industry don’t live past this stage, because they are boiled...
Toxic Masculinity

Effective Movement Addressing Toxic Masculinity

Masculinity has been often portrayed with sexism, violence and aggression. This flawed image of what it is to be a man has been circulating in major ad films and short films across the world. Most of the male grooming brands feature conventionally attractive men dressed in fancy clothes who get away with sexist or...

CSR skilling programmes that address pre-training counseling

It is imperative in skilling programmes to ensure that trainees are conditioned for technical and non-technical training before their commencement and their expectations set and managed. Occasionally, people’s aspirations may not be in tune with their local realities. To ensure that skills imparted are appropriate for trainees, it is important to map aptitudes that determine...
Video Game - Sea of Solitude

Video Games for Mental Health

According to a report by the World Health Organisation, there are about 56 million people suffering from depression and 38 million people suffering from anxiety disorders in India. Despite such a huge number of people suffering from mental illnesses, the issue is not addressed very well in the country. With rising awareness about the issue,...
digital finance for women

Empowering women through digital finance

Did you know that poor women account for 1.1 billion of the world’s unbanked adults, or most of the financially excluded? Financial inclusion needs to bridge gender gaps for it to become truly inclusive, and India has a long way to go in this respect. In order for digital finance to reach rural women sustainably, there...
Food wastage and SDG

Food wastage and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs in short) emphasize both increasing food security and reducing stress on natural resources. Reducing food loss and food wastage can make a critical contribution to these broad goals. SDG 12 focuses specifically on sustainable consumption and production patterns; SDG target 12.3 calls for halving global food wastage at the retail and...
solar energy

Indo-Swiss connection in renewable energy

Children can’t study after dark, women have to depend on traditional cooking methods that increase their drudgery etc… Without energy, sectors like agriculture, health, education and even women empowerment are likely to get hampered. Clean energy interventions in CSR, by being more productive and cost-effective solve most of these problems. The key is to ensure...
Million Jobs Mission

Collaborative Philanthropy For Creating A Million Jobs

Every year, some 12 million young Indians join the workforce, according to a recent EY study, and 64% of the population is likely to be of working age by 2020-21. That’s at the heart of India’s much-vaunted demographic dividend, which is supposed to propel its GDP—but there is a huge disconnect between job creation...
SDGs and business

Aligning SDGs with Business: A Comprehensive Approach

2015 was a watershed year that witnessed 193 nations coming together to form a set of 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) to address contemporary developmental challenges and ensure a sustainable future. These global goals have played a crucial role in charting out a roadmap for nations to re-align economic policies and financial systems to...

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