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March 10, 2025

Education and Skill Training

26 C

Considerations For A Systems Practitioner

In the first piece of this three-part series, I introduced the relevance of systems thinking for development and CSR. The second piece talked about...

To Access CSR Funds Is A Very Big Challenge: Dr. Subhadra Anand, CEO, Save The Children India

Dr. Subhadra Anand, CEO, Save The Children India, talks about the challenges faced in the education sector and in the provision of quality education...

Lack Of Quality Education In India: ASER

The quality of education provided to children in India is on a downward spiral, according to the Annual Status of Education Report 2016 (ASER). This survey is a household-based survey being conducted since 2005

65 Yrs Old Mettlesome Taxi Driver Educates Underprivileged Children

Being forced to back out of school at the age of 7, Gazi Jalaludin had a clear mission; no other child should be deprived the power of education. From begging on the streets of Kolkata during his childhood to now being the man responsible for the free education of over 425 underprivileged children in West Bengal, he is a true hero and a person of mettle.

Major Gaps In Public Education System: AVPN Report

Anil Swarup, in his keynote address, shared best practices in education from across India and stressed on the need to adopt them to scale.

Empower Literacy Socially In A Digital World

To ensure the inclusion of rural areas and help them understand digital payments meetings at all levels such as branch offices, gram sabhas and gram panchayats so as to ensure they walk in sync with the rest of the nation in financial growth and literacy.

The Rising Need To Invest In Skill Development

The government has missed its targets of jobs creation and employment every year, due to increase in automation and inability to cope. CSR funds going into the sector of skill development are 5%.

Systems Thinking At Work

In my first piece in this three-part series, I introduced systems thinking and discussed why it is so relevant for the development sector and...

Holistic Educational Approach Taps Inherent Potential In Children

Uma and Muthuram have transformed the lives of at least 50 odd students below the poverty line, with higher education. In addition to the...

Google Earth Is Aiding Rural Students To Explore The World In The Classroom

We know that an education model is deemed effective when students are provided with ample opportunities to access interactive content, information in multiple formats...

Skilling India Through Combined Efforts

Creating opportunities for a million people, through skill training – this key initiative of Godrej Good & Green’s vision 2020 for enhancing livelihoods is...

CSR Can Help Ensure Better School Infrastructure

The Uttarakhand government has sought help from the corporates of the country to help out with school infrastructure of the state.

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