Madhya Pradesh के Mandla जिले के बिछिया विकासखंड में एक गांव ऐसा है, जहां पानी की किल्लत इस कदर है कि पानी के लिए करीब 1 किलोमीटर दूर घाट उतरकर कड़ी मशक्कत कर रेत के बने...
मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ के आदेश पर मंगलवार को अवैध ई रिक्शा व ऑटो के खिलाफ अभियान चलाया जायेगा। बीते दिनों हुई बैठक में अफसरों को संदेश दिया था कि सुरक्षा व कानून व्यवस्था सरकार की पहली...
Amidst the ongoing challenges of malnutrition in India, several corporations have undertaken proactive measures through CSR-funded initiatives to address this critical issue. These projects...
Veganism is increasingly gaining popularity. A vegan diet comprises plant-based food, which means, besides non vegetarian products, vegans also refrain from milk and dairy...
Hyderabad, India: Synchrony, a premier consumer financial services company, has undertaken critical initiatives to support medical infrastructure and provide nutrition to the underserved community...
On World Diabetes Day, Britannia NutriChoice launched a first-of- its- kind service that democratizes access to nutrition for people with diabetes. The initiative uses...
Ramping up its Research & Development (R&D) focus, Cargill today opened the Cargill Innovation Centre in Gurugram, Haryana, to develop innovative solutions that address...
#HealPrayLove, a CSR initiative by active nutrition brand Fast&Up, was launched in May 2021 to aid, support and energize frontline workers across the country...