Home CATEGORIES Environment PwC India pledges to achieve Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030

PwC India pledges to achieve Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030

In 2020, PwC India joined PwC network firms in a commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030. PwC India’s net-zero commitment is underpinned by a science-based target to reduce its emissions to an absolute 50% of its scope 1 and 2 emissions as well as a 50% reduction in scope 3 business travel GHG emissions by 2030, compared to its 2019 levels. The Company’s commitment is aligned to a 1.5-degree scenario which is necessary to avert the worst impacts of climate change.

Commitments made include:

  • Reducing absolute business travel emissions to 50% by 2030. This includes travel via flights, conventional cabs (petrol/diesel), and hotel stays.
  • Reducing emission by fuel consumption by DG sets and company owned vehicles to 50% by 2030.
  • Transition to 100% renewable energy from FY22 and reduce absolute emissions to 50% by 2030.
  • Commit to having at least 50% of our purchased goods and services suppliers by emissions set science-based targets to reduce their own climate impact by 2025. 
PwC India’s commitment to proceed towards a net-zero system by 2030 largely focuses on minimizing its carbon emissions via a carbon mitigation hierarchy – avoid, reduce, replace and offset. In a commitment to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, PwC India has
  • Launched multiple employee engagement initiatives such as Green Week and Conscious Choices to promote and educate sustainable practices among employees
  • Prioritized decarbonization of its operations, which includes reshaping how it serves clients, sustained reductions in travel and the increased use of zero-carbon energy.
  • Built visibility around emissions at a business unit level
  • Initiated supplier engagement to encourage them to register on SBTi by adopting science-based targets
  • Initiated assessments of green power procurement for PwC Offices
According to Satyavati Berera, Partner & Net Zero Lead, PwC India, “The urgency around sustainability is a leveler for all – telling us that a greener world needs everyone’s collective commitment and attention. The ownership lies with each one of us. We know that a commitment is only as good as the actions that follow, and so we are putting together a robust plan which will enable us to make the shift. This journey is essential and requires a behaviour shift from each of us – but it’s also exciting because it gives us more opportunities to do the right thing.


PwC’s commitment to accelerate towards a Net Zero economy by 2030 would encompass reducing its absolute emissions and offsetting the growing emissions due to growth in the next few years. The Company’s approach is based on the carbon mitigation hierarchy:
1. Avoid – Eliminating impact by rethinking strategies
2. Reduce – Focus on efficiency and eliminate unnecessary contributors
3. Replace – Pivot towards sustainable alternatives
4. Offset – Offset emissions that are not eliminated by the above

Decarbonising the Value Chain

Business Operations

As a professional services firm, PwC’s carbon emissions rely heavily on business travel and consumption of energy in its offices across locations. In order to mitigate the carbon impact and create a circular economy, the Company is collectively undertaking structural and behavioural shifts supported by design thinking principles to achieve its 2030 Net zero agenda. The sectors PwC is working across include:
1. Travel: Encourage people to engage in conscious responsible travel practices and reduce non-essential travel. These include investing and supporting digital collaborations, replacing air travel with surface travel wherever possible, and exploring local resourcing to mitigate travel necessities. This encompasses updating the company’s travel policies and collaborating with clients, people and stakeholders to drive down its carbon footprint.
2. Energy: PwC is working towards transitioning to renewable energy sources across offices and pivoting towards EV vehicles to lower carbon emissions. In the process, it is planning to procure substantial energy in its offices from renewable sources, leveraging the use of motion sensors and LED lighting to reduce electricity consumption.
3. Behavioural change: PwC looped in Consulting team from Advisory line of services for an assessment of travel behaviours and building the net zero communications and adoption journey towards Responsible Travel.