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PSUs to identify annual themes for CSR


Public sector units (PSUs) will now identify central themes for corporate social responsibility activities every year, with 60% of their CSR expenditure dedicated to the thematic programmes, as per new guidelines issued by Department of Public Enterprises.

The norms call for aspirational districts to be accorded preference by central public sector enterprises (CPSE) for their CSR activities. Niti Aayog has identified 112 aspirational districts.

“For the current year 2018-19, school education and healthcare may be taken up as the theme for focused intervention,” the guidelines said. “The Competent Authority has further entrusted to Niti Aayog the responsibility to pilot the programme,” they added.

The CPSE undertaking CSR activity in aspirational districts would designate a senior level functionary as nodal officer to liaise closely with the district administration of concerned aspirational district.