Home CATEGORIES Business Ethics & Philanthropy Suzlon Energy Limited Spent Rs. 95 Lakhs for CSR in FY24

Suzlon Energy Limited Spent Rs. 95 Lakhs for CSR in FY24

Suzlon CSR
Renewable energy is widely acknowledged as the most effective tool against climate change. The current state of renewable energy will serve as a solid foundation, but much more needs to be constructed on top of it in order to achieve the complete transition to renewable energy in India.
Since its inception in 1995, Suzlon has been synonymous with renewable energy and has been a consistent contributor to India’s green energy journey. In our #LetsTalkCSR series, we are evaluating the CSR initiatives of Suzlon Energy Limited.

About Suzlon Energy Limited

Since 1995, Suzlon has been regarded as a leader in developing Wind energy solutions. Suzlon Group has transformed and reinvented the Renewable Energy sector over more than 25 years and established a prestigious name for itself in product and technological innovation. Suzlon is powering a sustainable future for tomorrow with its expertise in wind energy systems with its strong presence in 18 countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
Suzlon’s broad selection of durable products, backed by cutting-edge R&D and more than 20 years of experience, are made to provide customers with the best performance, highest yields, and highest return on investment possible. Suzlon’s myriad of programmes to safeguard the environment, build stronger communities, and drive responsible growth are all guided by the idea of sustainable development.

CSR of Suzlon Energy Limited

The Suzlon Foundation, the Suzlon Group’s corporate social responsibility division, kept the social development ecosystem alive with its unique impact model, SUZTAIN.
In the financial year 2024, Suzlon spent a total of Rs. 95 lakhs for CSR positively impacting communities over a million households. These initiatives were concentrated on six main areas: Environment, Empowerment, Health, Livelihood, Education, and Civic Amenities. They were planned in consultation with local communities and carried out in partnership with over 60 institutions, including government bodies, private agencies, and corporate foundations.

Suzlon’s CSR Model

‘SUZTAIN’ is a unique approach that has matured from an existing provider-beneficiary development approach for development to a partnership approach wherein local communities, development functionaries, employees, company CSR teams, government departments, and NGOs work together in planning, implementing, monitoring and sustaining village level sustainable development interventions. The approach is implemented through the ‘Engage-Empower-Sustain’ principles of Suzlon’s CSR.
The CSR program’s long-term expected impact in remote rural areas is to form, strengthen and institutionalise the Village Development Committees (VDC). These empowered community-based institutions will steer the village’s development process over time when Suzlon’s CSR exits from the town to focus on other unmet strategic development needs of the area. The VDC is formed to bring collectivism to the village. The VDC then undertakes a journey through a seven-stage social engineering and behaviour change process through a systematic handholding with knowledge, awareness, skills, and network connections.
The mid-term expected impact of the CSR program is to address other significant but the unarticulated need of the most neglected persons of the community like the old, under-fives, sparrows, local civic environment, specially-abled and vulnerable adolescent girls who will never find their needs articulated through the VDC due to the village power dynamics and lack of social awareness in the initial period. Thus, Suzlon’s CSR has programmed the “Zero” initiatives undertaken across the states as and when resources are available. These include the following initiatives towards achieving:
– Zero garbage – Managing plastic and wet waste responsibly and sustainably;
– Zero sparrow deaths – Creating bird nests, feeders and water troughs;
– Zero waste – Recyclable waste materials into innovative rural use products;
– Zero darkness – Lighting up un-electrified households and hamlets;
– Zero malnutrition – Reducing malnutrition deaths of under-fives with Vitamin A and de-worming tablets;
– Zero drought – Trees plantation and Water conservation enhancing ground water table;
– Zero COVID – Supporting with devices and materials to prevent COVID infection.
The immediate expected impact is the integrated development of the community by conducting activities that address the immediate basic needs of the entire village. The basket of interventions is very diverse, unique and customised for every village depending on the needs of its people. The implementation is through full community participation, harnessing traditional local know-how and modern practices. Each of the activities conducted under the CSR program is categorised into one of the six thematic areas: Civic amenities, Education, Environment, Health, Livelihood and Empowerment.

Environmental Interventions

In the year 2022-23, a total of 26,569 tree saplings from 73 different local species were planted. These trees, including fruit-bearing, shade-providing, horticultural, and agroforestry plants, contributed to enriching biodiversity, improving health, and enhancing livelihoods. With dedicated caretakers and effective monitoring, 72% of the planted saplings survived.
Awareness programs on tree plantation were conducted for over 1,000 students to foster an attitude of environmental protection. A significant amount of water, totaling 110,386 cubic meters, was conserved, particularly in drought-prone areas, through various initiatives such as farm pond construction, bore well recharge, pond desiltation, rainwater harvesting, and tree plantation.
The increased water availability benefited 6,249 villagers across nine villages. The Suz-HOOK initiative, aimed at behavioral change in rural households under the ‘Zero Garbage’ program, resulted in the collection and recycling of 4,540 kilograms of plastic waste from 115 villages and 46 locations surrounding Suzlon premises.
Under the ‘Zero Sparrow Deaths’ program, 6,807 bird conservation units, including nests, water troughs, and bird feeders, were installed, benefiting 19,572 birds of 24 species. Additionally, 2,785 stakeholders participated in 109 activities such as tree plantation, plastic collection, bird conservation, quizzes, pledges, and awareness sessions as part of World Environment Day celebrations.
Moreover, 29,248 kilograms of recyclable waste materials were converted into 5,754 innovative products, such as washbasins, bird nests, Suz-Hooks, pen holders, signboards, safety posters, flowerpots, dustbins, doors, stools, and library cupboards, which proved useful for students, birds, and people alike.
Support for responsible disposal of sanitary pads was provided to five village schools in Tamil Nadu, where 1,333 girl students benefitted, and 686 kilograms of sanitary pad waste were incinerated. Additionally, 236 kilograms of peacock feed were provided to enhance the dwindling peacock population in a village in Gujarat, benefiting 50 peacocks.
Sixty farmers benefited from organic farming training awareness, which provided insights into low-cost techniques that are environmentally friendly and safe for humans. Seed broadcasting was carried out in hilly areas of Karnataka, covering 10 hectares of land to facilitate the growth of saplings.
Furthermore, to instill environmental consciousness among young minds, 2,000 saplings were raised in a school in Maharashtra through a nursery for subsequent plantation in the village.

Empowering the Citizens

Before the pandemic, Suzlon established over 500 Village Development Committees (VDCs). Efforts were made during the current reporting period to gradually revive them. The process of strengthening these VDCs was restarted in seven states of India, focusing on selected VDCs as a priority. These committees were aligned with a structured seven-stage empowerment process. After reaching stage four, 91 VDCs began livelihood activities such as renting out event management equipment, setting up RO water filtration units, tailoring units, renting agricultural service equipment, manufacturing reusable sanitary pads, renting masonry construction tools, and marketing palm products. Of these, 75 out of 91 VDCs (82%) are now profitable and will soon be able to contribute financially to village development.
An exposure visit was organized for 26 VDC members to learn about local innovative practices in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat. Suzlon believes that these VDCs will eventually work towards the sustainable development of the villages once Suzlon shifts its focus to other strategic needs.
Furthermore, Suzlon has consistently empowered rural women to achieve financial and social independence through Self-Help Groups (SHGs). This initiative aims to enhance women’s participation and development, ultimately uplifting their families and villages.
In Gujarat, Suzlon celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by honoring 43 volunteers from 18 villages for their dedicated service to persons with disabilities.

Healthcare Initiatives

In FY 2023, general health camps provided essential healthcare services to 2,310 villagers. Recognizing the challenges women face in seeking healthcare due to social, economic, and physical barriers, special initiatives reached out to 4,573 village women. Activities included cancer screenings, other health check-ups, and distribution of reusable cloth pads to 482 women in Rajasthan to promote feminine hygiene and protect their health.
In Karnataka, video screenings on women’s health were conducted for 100 women in seven villages, while awareness sessions on infant nutrition and personal hygiene were held for mothers and households in Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh respectively. Additionally, health awareness sessions were conducted for pregnant women in Karnataka, Gujarat, and Rajasthan.
In Maharashtra, sessions on snakebite awareness and prevention were held for 170 students from seven schools, while dengue awareness programs reached 150 villagers in Karnataka. Blood pressure and sugar diagnostic camps benefited 263 villagers in Karnataka.
Efforts were made to address malnutrition in Madhya Pradesh through the distribution of supplementary food to 40 malnourished children. Eye screening camps were organized to diagnose refractive errors and cataracts, with 80 patients undergoing successful cataract surgeries in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Gujarat. Eye-cataract screening camps were also held for truck drivers in Tamil Nadu, resulting in 18 drivers receiving cataract surgeries.
In Tamil Nadu, open gym equipment was provided to enhance physical activity for children, contributing to better health outcomes. Health camps for police personnel in Tamil Nadu identified health issues in 80 individuals, who were referred for further treatment. Vehicle support for polio vaccination coverage was provided to a Primary Health Centre in Gujarat, benefiting 500 eligible children, and a refrigerator was donated to the Health Department in Tamil Nadu for storing essential items.
Suzlon clinics, initially set up for employees, are now accessible to village community members as well. In FY 23, nine Suzlon Medical Officers attended to 29,535 patients through free clinics and conducted health camps in 41 villages, extending healthcare services to remote areas.

Enabling Livelohoods

This year, Suzlon focused on supporting farmers through various livelihood initiatives, reaching over 3,048 farmers. To promote sustainable income, 2,100 horticulture plants were provided to 210 farmers. In Maharashtra, 1,382 farmers received agriculture pipeline support, ensuring water availability for 12 months, resulting in increased crop production and an estimated cumulative income rise of ₹8 lakh for farmers.
In Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, improved farming methods led to a cumulative income increase of ₹2.55 lakhs for 135 farmers. Additionally, 130 farmers in Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka cultivated green fodder, resulting in a cumulative income increase of ₹70,000. In various states, 2,062 farmers benefited from the Liquid decomposer technique, increasing their income through manure production.
Furthermore, 48 farmers and 200 livestock animals in Madhya Pradesh benefited from improved fodder grass seed distribution, while 1,923 animals were vaccinated in Tamil Nadu. Additionally, 2,990 community members received support for livelihood activities such as goat rearing and small businesses.
In Karnataka and Gujarat, 150 farmers received Integrated Agriculture and Land-Based Livelihood (IABLP) training. In Madhya Pradesh, 300 farmers adopted new practices through the Kisan Pathshala initiative. Twenty-two youths in Tamil Nadu received training in honey beekeeping.
Tailoring machine support benefited 78 villagers and women in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu, enabling income generation. In Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, 15 women received sewing machines as part of Suzlon’s meaningful birthday celebrations, resulting in a ₹0.94 lakh income increase. Additionally, tailoring training provided to 37 women in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Gujarat led to a ₹0.86 lakh income increase.
Suzlon CSR sponsored the Paatkori initiative in Kutch, supporting artisans to enhance their livelihood opportunities. Loans with minimum interest were provided to 138 households in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, and 30 Self-Help Group members received financial support through a revolving fund in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra, mainly for purchasing livestock or starting small businesses.
In Tamil Nadu, one deserving family’s annual income increased by ₹12,000 through livelihood support for laundry services.


In FY 2023, Suzlon supported 401 schools through various initiatives, benefiting students by increasing their knowledge, providing access to amenities, and exposing them to modern facilities. A total of 37,086 students were supported through these education activities.
To improve school infrastructure and ensure safety, support was provided for enhancing facilities such as compound walls, playground wire fencing, and playground leveling, benefiting 193 students in Gujarat and 300 students in Tamil Nadu. Additionally, 1,895 students in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Rajasthan received school furniture support.
In Karnataka, 150 students underwent digital internet training to prepare them for the digital world, while 310 students benefited from the installation of Digital E-learning units. In Maharashtra, 117 students learned computer skills.
Support was extended to Anganwadi centers in Gujarat for 348 under-five children to facilitate e-learning. Furthermore, 875 students in Gujarat benefited from library cupboard support, and 1,877 students in Tamil Nadu received library kits.
Education kits, consisting of notebooks and accessories, were provided to 12,318 students in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. Thirteen winners were identified out of 95 participating students in a school competition in Karnataka, aimed at developing students’ personalities.
In Maharashtra, 65 students from eight schools participated in chess board training and competitions. Forty students from families with no educational background showed improved scholastic performance due to interventions from tuition center initiatives.
Awareness programs on the environment benefited 2,986 students in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat. Additionally, a road safety program was undertaken for 180 students in Tamil Nadu, promoting safety habits among them.

Providing Civic Amenities

LED bulbs were installed in 1,000 households and 133 streetlights, resulting in saving over 771,200 hours of conventional energy. Additionally, 20 solar streetlights, 90 Solar Home UPS, and 60 solar lighting systems in schools saved 27,860 hours of conventional energy.
Installation of a drinking water tank at a Primary Health Centre in Maharashtra provided 5,000 cubic meters of water for villagers’ drinking purposes. In Gujarat, water tank installation ensured 3,000 cubic meters of water for 1,500 domestic animals. Repairing a farm pond in Maharashtra increased groundwater capacity by 1,000 cubic meters, benefiting 125 villagers. Similarly, water tank installation in a school in Rajasthan provided 600 cubic meters of water for 40 students. Cleaning a water canal in Tamil Nadu provided 300 cubic meters of water, decreasing water scarcity for 100 villagers and increasing water storage capacity by 290 cubic meters.
Support for Anganwadi centers, including play materials, meal plates, educational charts, and more, benefited 5,754 children in various states. Additionally, 370 specially-abled individuals received support such as wheelchairs and hearing aids. Safety equipment such as fire extinguishers were provided to a school in Tamil Nadu and anti-smoke masks to fire rescue personnel. Mosquito spray machines were provided to prevent mosquito-related diseases in 450 villages in Tamil Nadu.
CCTV cameras supported by the Police Department in Karnataka helped detect 24 crime and accident incidents. Traffic button lights supported by the Police Department in Tamil Nadu protected citizens’ lives in approximately 100 incidents and accidents. Sports kits were provided to youth and students in various states. Toilet repair and construction benefited students in Maharashtra, and sound systems installed in villages in Gujarat facilitated community mobilization and communication during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Disaster Response

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 and lessen its effects, 930 villagers were provided with COVID-19 Control Kits containing items like temperature screening guns, masks, and sanitizers. They also received regular awareness sessions on pandemic prevention and control measures across different regions of the country.
In Tamil Nadu, 15 personal protective equipment (PPE) kits were given to sanitary workers who were at risk. Additionally, reusable cloth masks were distributed to 350 villagers in Rajasthan to help protect them from the virus.
In Tamil Nadu, 2,000 villagers were screened for COVID-19 symptoms using pulse oximeters and temperature screening guns, which were provided to two Gram Panchayats.

Employee Volunteering and Employee Giving

In FY 2023, Suzlon’s CSR initiatives, driven by employee volunteering and giving, aimed to support families in need, alleviate medical expenses, provide financial aid to families of deceased employees due to COVID-19, empower women through livelihood support, assist people with disabilities, offer educational tools to students, and protect the environment.
A total of 7,341 volunteers participated in these initiatives, including 4,651 Suzlon employees and 2,690 contract staff, contributing 60,780 person-hours. Additionally, 389 employees made voluntary donations totaling ₹18.29 lakh across 746 instances, while 345 employees, 24 business teams, 12 vendors with 91 team members, and 5 customer teams donated directly, amounting to over ₹90 lakh.
The donations supported medical treatment and educational needs of individuals in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. Suzlon also initiated meaningful birthday celebrations, resulting in ₹3.10 lakh contributions from employees and their families. These funds were used for various activities, including providing tailoring machines to rural women, mobility devices to people with disabilities, distributing notebooks to needy children, and planting and protecting trees.
Special initiatives were promoted to encourage employee involvement and benefit villages directly. These included challenges such as cloth bag promotion, community electricity energy awareness promotion, Suz-HOOK assembly challenge, and Suzlon Walkathon challenge. These initiatives resulted in significant contributions, including donations of cloth bags and steps walked by employees, matched by funds from Suzlon for various CSR causes.


Through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability strategy, Suzlon is committed to achieving the UN- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Global Compact Principles, and National Voluntary Guidelines (NVGs) since 2008. Suzlon with its measurable, impactful and self-sustaining CSR activities, aims at supporting rural and underprivileged communities to become self-reliant.