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CSR News: McDonald’s India and Salaam Bombay Foundation serve hygienic food to slum kids

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for people across all sections of society. But while some of us have been able to stay in the safety of our homes with adequate supply of essentials to keep us secure, others have been adversely impacted and are grappling with limited or no access to essential items, including food, for their families.
To reach out to this section of society, McDonald’s India (West and South) partnered with Salaam Bombay Foundation. The brand, along with the NGO has initiated an outreach to distribute safe and hygienic food across various slums in Mumbai. McDonald’s has already distributed over 1,700 meals in close to 10 BMC wards, which Salaam Bombay has delivered through various NGOs across Mumbai. The brand is also ensuring that all social distancing and sanitation practices are being followed strictly while distributing these meals.
Salaam Bombay Foundation has been working closely with the BMC to ensure that food that is being donated is reaching people who need it the most. This has helped in ensuring that there is no duplication of donations and those in need are duly catered to.
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