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March 31, 2025

Corporate Social Responsibility: Apple and Singapore Government Reward Citizens for Keeping Healthy

Singapore is known for being the information and technology hub in the Asia Pacific as well as taking revolutionary decisions to bring about the overall development of its citizens. It is one of the richest countries in the world and ranks 4 as per GDP at purchasing power parity.

Work-Life balance in Singapore

This high tech economic growth comes at a cost and people are known for their rigour and poor work-life balance metrics. Singapore ranks 32nd out of 40 for work-life balance and is the second most overworked city in the world after Tokyo.
But Singapore is not a country which just sits on the problem. This country with no natural resources of its own is known to do whatever it takes to make life better for Singaporeans. It is a known fact that regular exercise leads to less stress and better health. And this is where the partnership with Apple comes in.

Apple and Singapore: Revolutionary Partnership to reward good health

The government of Singapore and Apple announced LumiHealth, a health initiative and a personalized program to encourage healthy activity and behaviours among Singapore citizens using Apple Watch. The first-of-its-kind program was designed by Singapore’s Health Promotion Board in collaboration with Apple as part of the country’s Smart Nation initiative, a national effort to leverage technology to deliver benefits to its citizens and businesses.
The LumiHealth app is a super-secure app with privacy as a centre stone to protect the data of the citizens of Singapore. This app is available for pre-order on the Apple App Store.
“Even as all of us around the world are dealing with the challenges of COVID-19, we must keep investing in our future. And there is no better investment than in our own personal health,” said Heng Swee Keat, Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister. “This partnership between Singapore and Apple will enable Singaporeans to lead healthier lives, but equally important, it will contribute valuable insights into improving the health of people all over the world.”

How does the program work?

“Singapore has one of the world’s leading healthcare systems, and we are thrilled to be partnering with them to incorporate Apple Watch and LumiHealth into their holistic approach to well-being,” said Jeff Williams, Apple’s chief operating officer. “Apple Watch has already helped millions of our customers manage their activity levels to improve their health, and we look forward to applying our expertise here in the same privacy-friendly way that distinguishes all Apple products and services.”
The idea behind LumiHealth is to encourage Singaporeans to adopt healthy habits through personalized reminders, programs, activity coaching, and incentives. Within the app, users travel through worlds with a friendly intergalactic explorer who guides them through tasks that are personalized based on their age, gender, and weight. They include weekly activity goals that can be met through not just walking, but also swimming, yoga, and other activities.
LumiHealth also reminds users to go for health screenings, tests and immunizations, and also encourages participation in wellness challenges that aim to improve sleep habits and mindfulness as well as inspire better food choices. By completing these goals and challenges, users help the intergalactic explorer get back home, all while being able to earn rewards worth up to S$380 over the two-year duration of the program.

Privacy at the core of LumiHealth

An Apple Watch as well as the LumiHealth app from the App Store are a necessary prerequisite for participating in the program. LumiHealth was created with customer privacy and data security built into its design. All user data will be encrypted to protect privacy. Data will be stored in a highly secure system that is fully compliant with Singapore’s data privacy and security laws. No data from LumiHealth will ever be sold or shared for marketing purposes. The program is voluntary: Users must opt-in and provide consent to share information with LumiHealth when they join and may opt-out at any time.
This collaboration between Apple and the Singapore government should inspire other governments and tech companies to come up with partnerships which celebrate good health and reward its citizens.

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