Home CATEGORIES Education and Skill Training Class 10th To Give Boards in Two Phases: Reduce Stress and Opportunity...

Class 10th To Give Boards in Two Phases: Reduce Stress and Opportunity for Improvement

Board Exam
According to the new proposed schedule by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), class 10th students are to take the board exams two times, from next year. Besides the proposed schedule for two board exams, the new draft notes released this week propose the first phase of class 10th board exams from February to March while the second phase will be held within May. In both phases, the exam period has been compressed to 16 to 18 days, half of the present duration of 32 days.
This will mean that the students are likely to get only one or two days’ break between two consecutive exams, depending on their subject choice. This period is considerably shorter than the current interval which sometimes extends up to 10 days.

The Proposed Norms

The CBSE also has sought public feedback on its proposal based on which it is likely to review and then finalise. The CBSE proposal to conduct two board exams for class 10th is in line with the recommendations of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
“Eliminate the high-pressure aspect of board exams. All students will be allowed to take board exams on up to 2 occasions during any given school year, one main examination and another for improvement, if one desires to,” states the National Education Policy 2020.