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March 9, 2025

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CSR: Four ways to support Sustainability Conscious Restaurants

India houses the largest number of malnourished children in the world. Despite this, 40% of food produced in the country is wasted. Food waste...

CSR: Corporates step up to Climate Change

2018 drew to a close with a hotly-contested ‘Katowice Climate Package’ finalised at COP24 establishing a set of guidelines to make the Paris Agreement...

CSR: Zomato Introduces Cycles in Food Delivery

Cycling has gathered a lot of attention in India in recent years. Cycling tours, cycling activities, fundraising cyclothons, occupy a lot of city events...

CSR: Viscose pollution is fashion industry’s dirty secret

Viscose has often been marketed as a more ecologically sustainable alternative to polyester. It is also praised by some fashion brands because it requires...

CSR: Ethical Dilemma of Pharma Companies

In today’s world, where CSR and corporate ethics is gaining a lot of importance, a company is expected to follow certain ethical standards in...

Trend: Machine Learning For CSR Research

Content analysis has emerged as a useful tool for conducting CSR research. While having been useful for CSR research, the popular content analysis approaches...

CSR: India is Among least Cyber-Secure Countries

Digitally, India is growing at a tremendous speed. Easier accessibility and faster supportability have made it highly acceptable in every sector. The government is...

CSR: How villagers in Odisha saved sal forest from a factory using Chipko & media

The trees of the Jhinkargadi forest have been nurtured for three generations by the villagers of Balarampur in Odisha. For more than four decades,...

CSR: Two Indian tech companies are models of inclusion

For India to become an inclusive society, it is important that the nation’s corporate sector sensitises itself to the country’s diversity, its gender differences,...

CSR: Single Time Zone in India causing hinderance in National Development

Poverty and Education are two issues that India is struggling with for decades. Many reasons have been listed for causing these problems in the...

CSR in 2019: 10 Judicial Reforms For India

A study carried out by the Ministry of Finance found that it takes, on an average, almost 20 years for a property related dispute...

Navi Mumbai Airport Displacing Families, Destroying Ecosystems

Besides displacing thousands of people, the proposed Navi Mumbai airport is expected to destroy local mangrove and wetland ecosystems. 3,500 families displaced Approximately 3,500 families residing...

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