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March 15, 2025


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Considerations For A Systems Practitioner

In the first piece of this three-part series, I introduced the relevance of systems thinking for development and CSR. The second piece talked about...

Beyond Cricket: How Indian Sports Is More Than Just India’s Favourite Pastime

During any Olympics, an athlete burrowing deep into the collective conscious is hardly news. But on 14th August 2016, something special was unravelling. The...

Lake Rejuvenation: Individual Responsibility Towards A Larger Development Cause

In India, a good number of urban lakes are large cesspools. Water channels, lifeline of waterbodies, are largely encroached and converted into open drains carrying sewage water. A multi acre polluted water lake is certainly not a healthy ecosystem as it pollutes air with an unbearable stink, contaminates ground water and its frothing could potentially cause fires. It is time to avert a natural disaster that is looming large. There are four things that could be initiated to minimise sewage inlet to the urban lake bodies.

Water: Life Giver To Mankind And Industry

Armed with plastic buckets and mud pots, a heavily pregnant lady, ‘Aarti Meshram’ along with her nine-year-old daughter and six-year-old son trudge nearly two...

Design Thinking for Social Innovation

Social innovation is going through a dynamic phase in India and ‘Design Thinking’ – a new and potent approach to problem solving is creating...

Role Of Technology Solutions For Monitoring SDGs

Technology enabling the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals will potentially be one of the most powerful drivers of change in modern economies going forward.

How Green Is Your Home?

Have you ever wondered what it takes to make green home? Is it to plant a lot of greenery around your house or use renewables to power your home or have your home run on hi tech machines?

Systems Thinking At Work

In my first piece in this three-part series, I introduced systems thinking and discussed why it is so relevant for the development sector and...

The Evolution: Indian Sports at a Global Arena

The term paradigm shift is an interesting one. If you considered a dictionary meaning then it will reveal a paradigm shift as a shift in direction of any business or strategy of a nation from the past for the betterment of future, or something along those lines. If we keep the year 2000 as a starting point, what is that moment when you felt Indian sport made that shift?

Google Earth Is Aiding Rural Students To Explore The World In The Classroom

We know that an education model is deemed effective when students are provided with ample opportunities to access interactive content, information in multiple formats...

Skilling India Through Combined Efforts

Creating opportunities for a million people, through skill training – this key initiative of Godrej Good & Green’s vision 2020 for enhancing livelihoods is...

6 Things The CEOs And Boards Must Know About Integrated Reporting

Businesses over time have realised that the conventional reporting is too complex, lacks relevance and wasn’t enabling the sufficient communication between businesses, stakeholders and investors. Traditional reporting has evolved to be more for regulators than for business itself.

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