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March 14, 2025


29.1 C

Corporate Social Responsibility And Its Concerns

India has historically had a challenging ecosystem with difficult terrains all across the country, from the north to the south and east to the...

Never Undermine An Underdog

The story of Lagaan is an interesting one. What is essentially a tale of the British Raj going about with its business in what...

CSR: The Moral Voice Of Business

Andrew Carnegie, steel tycoon and one of the greatest philanthropists whose business ethos was to "do well in order to do good" was one...

Eye Donation: The Need Is Real!

Organ donation has been struggling to find a firm foothold in our country. Though strongly recommended by many healthcare institutions, myths and superstitions cloud...

CSR & SDGs: A Match Made In Heaven

SDGs were adopted on 25th September 2015 in Paris where 193 countries, including India, ratified and signed the convention to accomplish 17 Sustainable Development...

Making Green Banking A Reality For Indian Retail Customers

Earth Overshoot Day is the day that marks excessive resource consumption beyond what Earth can sustainably renew in an entire year. This year on...

Sustainable Cities of the Future

In an earlier column, Anirban Ghosh, Chief Sustainability Officer, Mahindra Group, shared the need to shape urban spaces sustainably. As a follow up, here...

Music: A Performance Booster For Athletes

Think of a Premier League game, any premier league game from last season. When the players are walking into the stadium, there’s one accessory...

The Gaps in Implemeting CSR in India

India is one of the only countries in the world to regulate Corporate Social Responsbility (CSR) under the Companies Act, 2013. The law provides...

Technology shift serving happiness to NGOs

India has close to 31 lakh Non-Governmental Organizations, commonly referred to as NGOs, who are working intensively towards some of the fundamental challenges in...

India’s Leap Towards A Sustainable Fourth Industrial Revolution

Globally, the advent of digitally enabled Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has already been termed as the fastest period of innovation ever. Rapid advancements in...

Cities Of The Future

Imagine an Indian city of the future. Do you see sufficient space for residents, clean, well-aligned streets, pedestrians in designated walking areas, disciplined traffic,...

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