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March 13, 2025

Health & Sanitation

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CSR of NTPC to the Rescue Where CT Scanner and MRI Machine Lay Defunct for 2 Yrs

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India is bringing good news to patients who have to travel far and wide for their diagnoses. The latest...

5 Signs You Have Beauty Sickness

Beauty sickness in India starts surprisingly early, as soon as young girls are taught that their primary form of currency in this world involves...

CSR News – Collaborative multi-million dollar behaviour change campaign – MTV Nishedh

In a distinct and ambitious drive to inform and educate around healthier social norms, break societal stigmas and give voice to some of the...

CSR News: HPE eHealth Centres Facilitate Over One Million Patient Visits in India

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has announced that its eHealth Centres (eHCs) have collectively facilitated over 1 million patient visits across India. Offering a digital...

CSR: Rescuing the future of Manual Scavengers in India

Statistics have suggested that it is safer to be a soldier in Kashmir than a manual scavenger in India. Quartz India has pointed out...

National Youth Day: Child marriage and teenage pregnancy biggest barriers to youth empowerment in Jharkhand

On National Youth Day this Sunday, a new report titled ‘The Situation of Adolescents in Jharkhand’ identified that child marriage and teenage pregnancy continue to...

How clean tech could reduce air pollution

Air pollution in India is particularly challenging. It is triggered by rapid economic development, urbanisation and the widespread burning of coal for power and...

CSR News – CavinKare Donates 102 Customised Artificial Limbs to Amputees in Assam

Cavinkare today launched its Walk India CSR initiative in Assam by donating free customized artificial limbs to over 100 deserving amputees from in and around Goalpara,...

India Seeks Alternative to Killer DDT

India is the only country that produces and exports DDT, with Africa being its biggest importer. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is an organochlorine substance which was first...

Social Prescribing for the Elderly to Better Address Their Healthcare Needs

For all the political discourse about a “population explosion”, the truth is that India is witnessing a sharp slowdown in its population growth and...

Gear up to fight Anaemia through Iron Deficiency awareness

Women’s health in India is grappling, as India is home to one of the largest numbers of iron-deficiency women in the world, and more...

CSR News – CredAble Brings Joy to the Cerebral Palsy Association of India

Just like every corporate feels the need to contribute to the society as a responsibility, CredAble spent time with the children, adults & elderly...

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