Increased engagement from all sectors of society, along with a whole of government approach will be key to advancing the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda...
Veganism has taken up the global food industry by a storm. People looking for healthier lifestyle have started to move towards adapting veganism. Many...
Jaivir Singh is the Vice Chairman of PwC India Foundation (PwCIF) and his primary focus lies in strategising and executing Corporate Responsibility programmes. While...
Globally, the advent of digitally enabled Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has already been termed as the fastest period of innovation ever. Rapid advancements in...
Imagine an Indian city of the future. Do you see sufficient space for residents, clean, well-aligned streets, pedestrians in designated walking areas, disciplined traffic,...
Air pollution is at an all time rise in India because of industrialisation and urbanisation in lieu of national development. Especially in Northern India,...