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March 11, 2025


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Modern Testing Alternatives Call For The Ban On Animal Testing

The potential for animal testing is still a huge risk around the world, with over 80% of countries still having no laws against testing...

Scarcity is the Mother of Innovation

Necessity has always been regarded as the mother of invention. In a world where clean air and water are becoming hard to come by,...

This Is Where All The Plastic In The Ocean Is Going

There are five trillion pieces of plastic in the world’s oceans, weighing a total of 268,000 tonnes. That’s according to a paper by an...

Progress In Least Developed Countries Hinges On Access To Modern Energy

According to The Least Developed Countries Report 2017, the world’s 47 least developed countries (LDCs) are falling far behind the rest of the developing...

A Discouraged Effort And An Inactive Government

For 109 weeks, a UN Champion of the Earth, Afroz Shah, had been cleaning an entire beach in one of the busiest cities in...

Biogas Plants Can Help Reduce Deforestation

Biogas energy is one of the more underrated and underused renewable resource of energy in the country. In times of such energy crisis, biogas...

Collective Efforts Needed To Address Air Quality In Gurugram

The government’s efforts to control air pollution got a shot in the arm with the installation of four Air Quality Monitors across four locations...

Are Electric Vehicles the Answer to a Sustainable Future?

  Urban air pollution and rising carbon footprints is the scourge of Indian cities. One of the key sources of urban air pollution is vehicular...

Sharp Decline In Delhi’s Air Quality

As Delhi and the National Capital Region saw a sharp decline in air quality levels and recorded 'very poor' air quality, the Indian Medical Association...

Sports Stadiums: The Waste Generation Hubs?

When the Indian cricket team is playing against a rival, the only priority for the entire country is the team’s victory. The spectators in...

Setting The Pace For A Sustainable Future

The demand for energy is increasing globally, largely due to urbanisation trends and the rapid growth of cities. According to the Energy Statistics Report...

Circular Economy – Pollution Control Re-Invented!

Change of focus is never an easy transition for a large organisation. Getting people to think differently from what they are used to can...

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