THE new building of Veda Vidyalaya, constructed with support from Jindal Steel & Power Ltd (JSPL), has been inaugurated at Siddhamath, Keonjhar on Friday...
TATA-DHAN Academy, the Development Management school, has sought individual and institutional sponsors for the current batch of their students. Any sponsorships provides an able...
AS its fundraising and development efforts gain traction, IIMA, today, made its first tranche of announcements relating to support that has been committed by...
Centre for Civil Society is petitioning India’s Human Resource Development Minister, Smt Smriti Zubin Irani to ‘Assess all schools and accord recognition on basis of...
Mumbai: ICICI Academy for Skills (ICICI Academy), an institute set up by the ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth (ICICI Foundation) to create sustainable livelihood...
NEW DELHI: Samsung India Electronics has been awarded two Golden Globe Tigers Awards for its initiatives to empower disadvantaged children and youth through its CSR...
BANGALORE: HP recently announced an innovative collaboration with Akshara Foundation that aims to improve the education experience for more than one million school children across the Indian...
GAIL CSR Creates History – 39 underprivileged students make it to the coveted IITs
Kanpur, June 20, 2014:
A whopping 39 students from economically...