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Women & Child Welfare

Woman at work

CSR: Rebalancing the Gender Roles for Work

Including more women in the workforce has been a priority in every nation of the world to fight against gender bias. In order to achieve this, several schemes have been introduced to encourage more women to pursue a career. However, the bias continues to persist after a number of efforts by various organisations. Women are...

Bollywood stars Farhan Akhtar, Richa Chadha feature in video on #GlobalFeminism

Bollywood actor-director Farhan Akhtar is in the news for more than just being singer Shibani Dandekar's boyfriend. He appears alongside actress Richa Chadha in a special video on #GlobalFeminism featuring international stars and Grammy award winners Mary J Blige, Dua Lipa and Ed Sheeran. The initiative is led by The Circle, a global NGO formed...
fourth industrial revolution

Upskilling Women for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The 4IR (fourth industrial revolution) flags the transition from simple digitisation in the third industrial revolution to disruptive innovation through a combination of digital technologies and platforms. These technologies are changing the ways companies will do business across the manufacturing, services, and agriculture sectors. The 4IR presents an opportunity for women to build skill sets...
Mining Machine

CSR: Women in the Mining Industry

India has been participating in empowering women in every sector. However, the Mining Industry is still lacking way behind. Mining as an industry has always been male-dominated in every country. In fact, up until 29th January 2019, according to the Mines Act 1952, employment of women in any part of a mine which is...
Habitat for 8 families

Lowe’s International partners with Habitat for Humanity to build homes for 8 families

"I had never dreamt that I could have a complete house in this lifetime. Looking at all the women working alongside me, helping me build my home, has given me a newfound strength. I can finally sleep peacefully in my new home without any worries. I am grateful to all the volunteers,” said Pavithra, a future...
silent march

Marching for Safety and Equality in the World of Work

Hundreds of domestic workers, construction workers, trade union members, advocates, civil society organisations, working women and youth participated in #March4Women, a silent march to demand safer and more gender-equal working conditions. This march was part of a larger campaign organised by CARE India and PAHAL, two non-profit organisations working to bring an end to gender-based...
adolescent girls

Collaborative action to empower India’s 250 million adolescents

Annual philanthropy convening ‘Dasra Philanthropy Week 2019’ was hosted by Dasra, a strategic philanthropy foundation, in New Delhi. It brought the empowerment of India’s 250 million adolescents at the forefront of the discussion between government officials, non-profits, sector experts, foundations and philanthropists. Through the lens on ‘collaborative action’ with the government, the convening spotlighted on government schemes like Rashtriya Kishor...
gender equality

Gender Equality In The Private Sector

While it is governments that have the primary responsibility for implementation, there are a plethora of actors who play a role in implementation, including the United Nations, international financial institutions, the private sector and civil society. These actors cannot currently be held accountable in the same way as governments can. Private businesses, for example, are...

PokerBaazi Premier League to sponsor 14 Underprivileged Girls with prize pool

PokerBaazi has announced its association with non-profit NGO Vidya Integrated Development for Youth and Adults (VIDYA). PokerBaazi will donate a share of the rake collected during the upcoming PokerBaazi Premier League Special Edition (April 21-28) towards the education and upliftment of 14 underprivileged girls for a year. According to the organizers, this tie-up with VIDYA...
sex workers

Social empowerment of sex workers

Sex workers routinely face discrimination and extremely high risks of violence, particularly at the hands of the police and clients. In 2004, at least eight incidents of violence were reported per sex worker per year in India, says a report by UN Women. Sex workers in that country are also among those at highest...
UN Women summit

UN Women and Procter & Gamble announce #WeSeeEqual commitment to gender equality

Co-hosted with UN Women, P&G’s first IMEA #WeSeeEqual Summit brought together business and government leaders, and influencers to share inspiration and surface insights around the myths that prevent us from accelerating our progress for gender equality. The Summit brought together the leading voices to share perspectives on gender equality in its many facets including women’s...
Tata Chemicals Kasturi

Tata Chemicals celebrates Kasturi initiative, awards exceptional women farmer leaders

Tata Chemicals today celebrated Kasturi journey, an initiative of Tata Chemical Society for Rural Development’s (TCSRD) at a special event, where 14 exceptional women farmer leaders were awarded for their efforts in developing a national network of women ‘agripreneurs’. TCSRD event saw participation from18 institutions working for women farmers in different states as farmers, trainers,...

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