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March 7, 2025

Author: Hency Thacker

Cybersecurity Jobs In India

After the historic move of demonetisation in 2016, the government of India has tried to push the country towards digitisation. This has led to...

CSR: Speed Post Services in India – Not So Speedy

“I moved with my husband to Lucknow after his transfer. My mother sent a parcel to our new address through Speed Post. It contained...

CSR: Citizens Participate In Eliminating Plastic Waste In Mumbai

Government of Maharashtra recently placed a ban on single use plastic bags in lieu of uncontrollable plastic pollution in the state. With the dumping...

CSR: Counselling In Schools In India

Counselling or Psychotherapy is not considered as an option in Indian society. Often it is tagged as a service for mad people. The stigma...

CSR: Sex Education for Adolescents in India

Sex education among children is almost non-existent in India. Talking openly about sex is considered to be a taboo in the country which acts...

CSR: Content Children Consume

Between the TV, computer, Internet, gaming consoles and mobile phone, kids are spoilt for choice. Some kids even have access to virtual reality headsets....

CSR: Challenges In Raising The Children Of Tomorrow

Children are the future of the country. The policies, reforms and acts that are passed today in the country, are the setting for these...

CSR: Oral Health Awareness In India

Oral health is an indicator of overall health. Hence, it is very important to maintain oral hygiene. In India, ignorance is a major cause...

The Menace of Smartphones

Smartphones have taken the world by storm. There are already more smartphones in the world than there are people. The obsession of having a...

CSR: Read To Stay Mentally Healthy

According to a recent study, the average attention span of human beings has declined from 12 seconds in the year 2000 to 8 seconds...

CSR: Sustainable Inventions With Problem Solving Potential

“The very greatest things – great thoughts, discoveries, inventions – have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length...

CSR: Eco Friendly Cars In India

According to a study, transportation accounts for about 24 per cent of India's carbon emissions. It is a major source of air pollution in...

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