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Hency Thacker


Social Sustainability in India

The new and improved Sustainable Development Goals brought about a transformative change to the older Millennium Development goals, by including the human rights issues, gender equality, and inclusive development. The SDGs deliver a strong commitment to environmental and social sustainability along with economic growth. Social Sustainability acts as a platform through which inclusive economic growth...

World Health Day 2020 – Focusing on Preventive Healthcare

The WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. With technological innovation, the need to put in physical labour by humans is reducing, directly affecting the health of individuals. As more and more jobs are becoming desk jobs which require...

Project TRANScend: CSR for Empowerment of Transgender Community

The TRANScend project addresses gender-based violence and enhances the social inclusion and acceptance of transpersons in India by focusing on actions like sensitizing companies and educational institutions towards transgender issues and capacity building of transgender community organizations in advocacy and resource mobilization. To this account, Ms Chetna Kaura, Corporate Social Responsibility Lead, Publicis Sapient, in...

Collective Global Action Needed To Tackle COVID-19

Coronavirus Pandemic has taken over the entire world in a matter of a few months. It has affected more than half a million of the people and claimed thousands of lives so far. COVID-19 is not the first pandemic that has been experienced by the world in this millennium. Despite this, a common global...

Governments of the World Responds to Financial Distress Caused by Coronavirus

As the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, was announcing one of the longest and strictest lockdowns in the world to the protect the citizens of the country, the opposition was busy raising their demand for financial compensation for the poor of the country. While the government has rolled out some relief measures such...

CSR Funds to Fight Coronavirus in India

In a week, India has seen a huge rise in the number of people affected by Coronavirus. A developing country like India which is still building its health infrastructure is way behind the developed countries of the western world and autocratic nations like China. Billionaires and corporations all over the world are making huge donations...

Top Celebrity Coronavirus Awareness Campaigns in India

Coronavirus or the Wuhan virus has struck the whole world and is affecting celebrities as well as normal people. The news of Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson testing positive for Coronavirus created a stir and people finally realized that no one is safe from the virus. The fact that there is no...

Celebrating the Festival of Holi

Holi is a very popular Indian festival celebrated in the Indian subcontinent since ages and signifies the victory of good over evil. The festival is celebrated in the spring, welcomes the summer and marks the beginning of the harvest season. The spread of the novel coronavirus has led to muted Holi celebrations in India....

International Women’s Day 2020 – #EachforEqual

It is 2020 and you would be shocked to know the number of countries who have achieved Gender Equality - 0. On every continent, there are countries where women are denied basic rights like education and healthcare. There are countries where women are married off at an early age against their will. Five decades...

Cabinet clears 72 amendments to the companies act: Eases CSR norms

India along with the entire world is in the middle of one of the worst slowdowns ever. The government bore cognizance of the fact and cleared 72 amendments to the companies act which included various sections that decriminalise offences and facilitates business owners to take decisions without fear thus boosting ease of doing business. All...

CSR News: Encouraging Start-Ups for Society

Many of India’s problems would be done away with by addressing poverty and improving social security of citizens of the country. Start-ups play a huge role in this by generating employment and bringing in innovation which would further help in increasing more employment. This has encouraged the government of India to introduce various schemes...

Zero Discrimination Day 2020: Unity in Diversity

1st March is celebrated as Zero Discrimination Day all around the world to promote diversity and recognize that everyone counts. Butterfly has been accepted as the symbol for this day. It is celebrated by the United Nations and other international organizations with an aim to recognize and celebrate everyone’s right to live a life...

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