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March 25, 2025

Healthcare For Children With CHD

Healthcare is critical to every individual irrespective of their income. However, the infrastructure of public healthcare in India is not enough to accommodate large number of patients. The private healthcare does not allow people with low income to get services for its high expenses. This results in many people to ignore healthcare for monetary reasons which could cost them their life.

Every year, approximately 1.5 lakh children are born with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) throughout India, according to Indian Journal of paediatrics. Many of those do not survive due to ignorance and timely attention. Oracle in association with Genesis foundation has taken upon themselves to work for the cause “saving little hearts” in an effort to support heart surgeries for under-privileged children suffering CHD. This collaboration aims to raise funds and awareness about the subject in the country.

The Program named “Project Little Hearts” takes a holistic approach supporting surgeries with a dedicated grant of USD 100,000 and raising awareness and funds through events to be organised in the year. Together, the grant, and a series of awareness events aim to support the surgeries of more than 150 children. The support required in the said critical illness varies from specific surgeries (including neonatal), Cath Lab Interventions along with recovery and recuperation post-surgery.

“Project Little Hearts aims to make a positive impact by raising awareness about heart care, the importance of implementing a more active, healthy lifestyle, and mobilising a larger community towards the cause,” said Rajendra Tripathi, Senior Manager – Oracle Corporate Citizenship – India.

So far, the organisations have supported medical treatment of over 1500 critically ill children. The children supported by the Foundation belong to families with an income of less than Rs 10,000 per month and the parents and caregivers are unable to afford treatment of these children who suffer from a serious life-threatening ailment.

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