Home Press Release Zee CSR in association with Give India to award “Born To Shine”...

Zee CSR in association with Give India to award “Born To Shine” Scholarship to Empower Female Prodigies

Born To Shine is a CSR initiative by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited, in association with GiveIndia, with its mission to act as “prodigy incubators” for female children across India. Zee Entertainment Enterprises (ZEEL) is India’s largest entertainment conglomerate, and GiveIndia is the largest and the most trusted giving platform in India.
In the modern world, the main argument over a child’s growth is almost always centered around the idea of “Nature Vs. Nurture”. Child Prodigies is one segment that requires extra care. These kids must be nurtured carefully if they are to realize and sustain their talents throughout time, and never against their will.
These gifted individuals need to be exposed to holistic care. In today’s society involvement is pretty scarce, what we all yearn for is ready-made, and quick fixes. Overemphasis on performance and the desire for external validation frequently stifle learning and the sense of internal satisfaction.
Born To Shine is a CSR initiative by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited, with the vision to nurture female child prodigies across India.

Who all can apply?

Female prodigies, under the age of 15, who have achieved mastery in one Indian art form, can apply for the scholarship. Language is no bar.
– They should come highly recommended by Masters in their disciplines.
– They must be able to compose creative work.  Scores are based on the level of uniqueness.
– They must be prepared to represent their artistic discipline both nationally and internationally.
– They must be extremely knowledgeable about the history of their particular art form.
As put forth by Mr. Umesh Kr Bansal, Executive Vice President, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited, “India’s under 18 population, the world’s highest, is at a staggering 40%. The need of the hour demands equitable outcomes for this young force, especially for those who harbour in themselves the talent to make a difference. Born To Shine is a step toward achieving that goal. This initiative will assist us in making a significant impact in the world of artists and child prodigies.“
This one-of-a-kind initiative shall provide a scholarship of INR 4,00,000, spread across 3 years, to 30 deserving female child prodigies(aged under 15) in any field of art, in the country.
The registration window, which closed on the 5th of July 2022, saw a sea of entries from around 60,000 schools across the country!
The founding director of Kaveri Gifted Education Research Centre, a partner organization of Born To Shine, Mrs. Malati Kalmadi, continues, “Our objective is to bring the gifted children as leaders and the transforming agents for the country.
We aim to provide a safe environment for the child to explore and experience his or her potential by sensitizing the teacher and the parent(s), who are the two key stakeholders in the lives of talented children”.
Excessive skill frequently goes hand in hand with stress, perfectionism, and a lack of self-assurance. Thus, it is crucial that their thoughts are directed in the appropriate way.
A child’s full potential can only be realized under reliable guidance and mentorship. Born To Shine is a fruitful attempt toward helping gifted young girls achieve their dreams!

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