Home CATEGORIES Education and Skill Training Teradata Partners With Project Nanhi Kali To Support The Education Of Underprivileged...

Teradata Partners With Project Nanhi Kali To Support The Education Of Underprivileged Girls


Teradata, a big data analytics and marketing applications company, announced its partnership with Project Nanhi Kali to support education initiatives for young girls in Mumbai, Pune and Hyderabad. DSC_1823-375x300UNICEF, among children not attending school, there are twice as many girls as boys, and among illiterate adults there are twice as many women as men. Sheetal Mehta, Trustee & Executive Director, K. C. Mahindra Education Trust, said, “As a result of this partnership, 700 Nanhi Kalis will receive educational support. We believe that in addition to personal development that education enables, education of girls results in huge benefits that accrue to society as a whole. An educated woman has the skills, information and self-confidence that she needs to be a better parent, worker and citizen.”   The programme selects girls based on multiple criteria including enrollment in government schools, family income, parents’ educational background, social background and the child’s aptitude. The partnership will ensure that a comprehensive sponsorship is created to take care of a range of educational requirements, providing not only academic support that helps them improve their learning levels but also material support. This includes uniforms and other clothing, as well as school supplies. In addition to providing corporate support, Teradata employees will also support the program through volunteering initiatives across all three locations.