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Tata Power introduces new module on Water Conservation


‘Club Enerji’, a nationwide movement by Tata Power is built with an intent to train and sensitise the future citizens of India. It imparts knowledge and understanding of natural resources and energy conservation to the young minds of the nation. Continuing with its strategic focus of nation-building and in line with the global mission, the company has announced the launch of its new module ‘Water Conservation’ for Club Enerji.

In 2015, 2.1 billion people around the world did not have access to safe drinking water. This number has gone up to 2.2 billion this year and it is clear that conserving water is the need of the hour.

Given that India occupies only 2.45 per cent of all the land area on the earth and only has 4 per cent of world’s water resources, it is imperative that people realise the importance of this natural resource. Chennai’s water crisis is the most recent example of why people need to realise the impact of water shortage.

With a vision to transform by adopting a holistic and robust approach towards water and energy conservation, the module aims to educate young minds on the importance and methods of saving water & energy. To communicate the message the company has developed visually rich content, a series of educative videos about several aspects of saving water at home, in their community and in their city. The film shows how water is an important part of generating electricity, and that saving electricity, in turn, helps save water.

Elaborating further on this programme, Mr Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power said, “We at Tata Power, through our Club Enerji programme, want to spread the message of water conservation to as many citizens as we can. This time, we have used the power of the visual medium to show the kids and the community at large, about how they can do their bit and conserve water. The module will not only inform citizens about the benefits of saving water but also educates them on how one can do it themselves.” 

The module is hosted on the Club Enerji website – www.clubenerji.com and users can access the module by clicking on it. The content contains topics emphasising on water conservation and do it yourself kit tutorials. The module on saving water is also promoted on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram Pages of Tata Power.
