Tag: World Earth Day
5 Steps that can make India Carbon Neutral
India’s challenge today, as one of the world's fastest-growing economies is to balance growth with sustainability. India’s population of over 1.3 billion has tremendous...
World Earth Day 2023: Promoting Environmental Consciousness
Earth Day is a global event celebrated annually on April 22nd to promote environmental awareness and encourage sustainability. In India, Earth Day holds particular...
Earth Day 2023: Time to act to save the planet, our only home
The Earth, which is our only home, is struggling to survive amid increasing average global temperature, which is known as ‘global warming’ and extreme...
पृथ्वी दिवस – चलो सजाएं धरती मां को
धरती, जमीन का वो टुकड़ा, जिसपर खड़े होकर हम पले बढ़े, हमारी पूरी जिंदगानी बनी, जिसे हम अपनी मां का दर्जा देंतें है। धरती...
Be a responsible traveller by planting a sapling with tripXOXO
tripXOXO is actively participating in promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. tripXOXO is a discovery and booking platform for things to do activities and experiences....
Ingersoll Rand Employees Celebrated Earth Day
As part of Ingersoll Rand’s recognition of Earth Day 2019, employees of Ingersoll Rand India participated in a tree plantation activity across India to...
Finolex Pipes launches its digital campaign on Water Conservation
Finolex Industries has launched a digital campaign on Water Conservation. Aimed at impacting a change in the way people use water, the film shows...