Tag: rural healthcare
CSR: Free nationwide health check-up camp hosted for women in underprivileged areas
Online Chikitsa Mitra, a pioneering telemedicine-driven rural health-tech start-up, reaffirmed its commitment to women's health and empowerment with a successful free online health check-up...
CSR Leaders: Simrat Bishnoi from Amway India talks about their CSR projects for battling malnutrition, women empowerment and healthcare in rural areas
Child and maternal malnutrition continues to be a major challenge in India in the present day. The rate of malnutrition even today in several...
बीमार स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्था का इलाज अब सीएसआर से
स्वास्थ्य सुधारता सीएसआर, हेल्थ पर होता है इतना खर्च
देश को आजाद हुए 74 साल बीत गए लेकिन आज भी यहां आम जनमानस की मौत...
सीएसआर ने बदली मैसूरु वासियों जिंदगी, हो रहें है सेहतमंद
सीएसआर यानि कॉर्पोरेट सोशल रिस्पांसिबिलिटी, ये महज कंपनी एक्ट में कानून ही नहीं है बल्कि ये एक ऐसा सामाजिक हथियार है जिससे जिंदगियां बदल...
My Journey To Uttar Pradesh
In his previous column, Dr Anantpal Singh talked about his experiences as a healthcare innovator in Bihar. This piece in the series explores Uttar...
Distant Healing Saves Lives
Health projects have been on the priority list of the government of India, but due to lack of infrastructure and willingness of qualified doctors...
CSR: Promoting Healthcare In Rural India
Healthcare and sanitation is a right to everyone. But because of lack of infrastructure, awareness and professionals, it is not accessible to about 60%...