Leveraging its global experience in nutrition and wellness, Amway India, the country’s leading FMCG direct selling company, recently commemorated World Food Day through a...
A recently released Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey (CNNS) survey shows that 35% of Indian children under five are stunted, 17% are wasted and 33...
More than 100 children lost their lives in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar because of the Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) outbreak. AES, more commonly referred...
ISKCON Food Relief Foundation, branded as Annamrita, has received support in form of food delivery vehicles from L&T MHPS Boilers. Five delivery vehicles were...
Despite having a food wastage ratio of 40%, India has the largest number of malnourished kids. ISKCON Food Relief Foundation, branded as Annamrita, is...