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March 31, 2025

Tag: depression

Madhya Pradesh के Mandla जिले के बिछिया विकासखंड में एक गांव ऐसा है, जहां पानी की किल्लत इस कदर है कि पानी के लिए करीब 1 किलोमीटर दूर घाट उतरकर कड़ी मशक्कत कर रेत के बने...
मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ के आदेश पर मंगलवार को अवैध ई रिक्शा व ऑटो के खिलाफ अभियान चलाया जायेगा। बीते दिनों हुई बैठक में अफसरों को संदेश दिया था कि सुरक्षा व कानून व्यवस्था सरकार की पहली...

International Men’s Day 2024: Mental health problems faced by Indian men

One of the least discussed, underexplored but critical issue in the present day is men’s mental health in India. Cultural norms, traditions and societal...

Depression can happen to anybody irrespective of success, fame, achievement or class of society: Psychiatrist Dr. Sagar Mundada’s exclusive interview

Noted art director Nitin Chandrakant Desai ended his life allegedly by suicide on 2nd August 2023. His alleged suicide has once again pointed a...

World Breastfeeding Week 2023: How breastfeeding benefits the mother and child

As a newborn takes the first breath on earth, the first food or drink he/she gets introduced to is nothing else but mother’s breast...

International Day of Happiness 2023: Why and how should we stay happy

Happiness— a very relative term. While some finds happiness in wealth and riches, for someone sipping a cup of tea amidst cool breeze in...

Video Games for Mental Health

According to a report by the World Health Organisation, there are about 56 million people suffering from depression and 38 million people suffering from...

Are We Failing The Mentally Ill?

Among the many challenges India faces, the most underappreciated is the ongoing mental health crisis. Mental illness is actually India’s ticking bomb. An estimated 56...

CSR: The Happiness of Indian Mothers

The mental health of an individual is of utmost importance. It is very important for mothers to stay healthy and happy in order to...

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