Home Global Stories Parkinson’s Predicted To Be of Concern Among Elderly

Parkinson’s Predicted To Be of Concern Among Elderly

Parkinsons scare among elderly in India

Parkinson’s is set to become a nightmare in healthcare. Although India is touted as the youngest nation, the country is bound to age rapidly post 2020. In fact if United Nations estimates are to be believed, between 2015 and 2030, the number of older people is projected to grow by 64%. This does not bode well, especially when there is minimal focus on elderly population and their healthcare in the country.

Parkinson’s disease, which has higher incidence of onset after the age of 60 years, has low prevalence today, but is looming to become a major healthcare challenge tomorrow. Awareness and capabilities to manage patients with Parkinson’s disease is highly limited in the country, so to say even the symptoms are neither recognized nor known by public at large.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

“There is a serious lack of awareness about Parkinson’s disease or its management in India. Caused by progressive damage to parts of brain over many years, the disease shows symptoms of involuntary shaking of body parts of the body, slowing movement, and stiffness in muscles. People suffering from Parkinson’s disease also experience depression and anxiety, have the sense of losing balance, memory, and sleep. It remains the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and most common movement disorder, and its onset usually is on people older than 60 years of age” said Dr Bhushan Nilkanth Joshi, Consultant Neurologist, Columbia Asia Hospital, Pune.

As of 2015, India is home to 11.6 crore elderly, which stands to be 8.9% of total population. By 2030 and 2050, the share of elderly population will increase to be around 13% and 20%, respectively. As per the last census, with more than 1.11 crore people older than 60 years, 9.9% of the population of Maharashtra is elderly.

Parkinson’s disease treatment

“In comparison, there a limited number of specialized tertiary care providers in the state which can spread awareness around the management of disease. For example, the Centre of Excellence in Neurosciences at our hospital provides comprehensive, compassionate and timely treatment to the patients, with special capabilities in treating movement disorders as that of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s being a progressive disease worsens with age to a point when performing activities of daily living becomes increasingly difficult. As of now, a cure is non-existent. Through supportive therapies such as physiotherapy, medication, and surgery when necessary, family members and patients are trained to manage the disease,” said Dr Bhushan Nilkanth Joshi, Consultant Neurologist, Columbia Asia Hospital, Pune.

With no national registry, there is no clear visibility of the exact prevalence of the disease in the country, barring a few pocketed studies. Despite being a young population, India remains an aging nation, a fact which cannot be ignored. It is important that the country creates avenues and capacities to deal with the challenges of elderly.

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