Home OPINIONS The Digital Generation needs to learn the art of letter writing to...

The Digital Generation needs to learn the art of letter writing to embrace its positive impacts on their mental well-being

In a thought-provoking statement at the International Museum Expo 2023, Prime Minister Modi eloquently captured the profound significance of handwritten words on a piece of paper. “You may find your handwritten words on a piece of paper ordinary today, but that same piece of paper, 3-4 generations later, will become an emotional property”, the PM said. This sentiment serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of writing letters, not only for preserving memories but also for nurturing mental well-being. The act of putting pen to paper and pouring one’s thoughts onto a tangible surface holds a therapeutic magic that can positively impact our mental health, offering solace, reflection, and connection in an increasingly digital age.
As we have witnessed, technology comes with its boon & bane. And with instant messaging becoming popular with each passing day, the art of writing has taken a backseat. With the invention and increasing use of AI, not only a significant skill of writing by hand is disappearing gradually but the associated benefits that come with it are at stake too.

Rediscovering Connection, Reflection, and Mindfulness through letters

Writing letters in particular can provide a sense of connection, reflection, and mindfulness that may contribute to improved mental well-being. Letter-writing activity which can be turned into a hobby is especially beneficial for school students and young adults who have lost touch with this forgotten medium of communication. We do not want writing letters to be limited to English grammar courses and formal letters but also promote it as a personal, artistic and a nostalgic experience due to the positive impact it has on the mental well-being of youngsters. Letter writing can be beneficial, as unlike instant messaging or emails, letter writing encourages a slower and more deliberate form of communication. It allows individuals to take their time to craft their thoughts, express emotions, and share experiences in a more thoughtful and considered manner. This process of reflection provides a sense of clarity and self-awareness.
Writing letters offers a unique space for emotional expression. It allows individuals to convey their feelings, joys, sorrows, or gratitude in a more personal and intimate way. Letters do not pass judgements nor do they hamper us to show raw emotions- be it anger, sorrow or guilt. This process provides an emotional release and helps individuals process their emotions more effectively.
Letters can be treasured as keepsakes that hold sentimental value. Unlike digital messages that can be easily deleted or forgotten, physical letters can be preserved and revisited over time. Receiving and keeping letters from loved ones or friends can evoke positive emotions, nostalgia, and a sense of connection to the past. Imagine reading a letter that your grandfather wrote 20 years back and it’s still there with you. The value that it holds would surpass any materialistic possession.
Once the younger generation is introduced and accustomed to the habit of writing letters, we are confident they will hook onto it. It will bring positivity into their lives. The generation whose world operates through mobiles-that dictates how they eat, dress, shop and even how they spend leisure time, it is inevitable that we as a responsible organisation must take upon ourselves to familiarise the younger generation with the habit of writing letters and also to preserve this meaningful tradition. By immersing themselves in the art of letter writing, the digital generation can find solace, enhance their mental well-being, and rediscover the beauty of heartfelt, tangible communication.

Letter Writing Campaigns May Inspire a New Generation of Letter Writers

Schools might do creative letter writing campaigns on special days and festivals where students could write letters of love and gratitude to their parents & friends. Such campaign might successfully link letter writing to a positive activity when students see the sheer joy on the face of the recipients when they receive letters written by them. These campaigns may result in a significant increase in the conversion rate of students who embrace writing letters as a hobby. By highlighting the therapeutic and expressive nature of writing letters, the campaign would effectively appeal to the younger generation, encouraging them to explore this creative outlet.
Letter writing fosters a deeper connection between the sender and the recipient. When writing a letter, individuals are more likely to focus on the other person, their experiences, and their feelings. This act of empathy can strengthen relationships and create a sense of closeness, even when distance separates people. So, if you are struggling with maintaining relations with your friends, family members or anyone at the workplace, what are you waiting for? It’s the right time to write it out.


Views of the author are personal and do not necessarily represent the website’s views.

Debashish Ganguly’s career spans over 29 years in marketing, advertising and PR. He has been working as the Head of Marketing & Communication and Corporate Sales at JK Paper for the last 22 years. He successfully led a campaign to drive a commodity like ‘Paper’ in the minds of consumers to bring forth a brand story. Today ‘JK Copier’ is the largest selling Copier paper brand in its category in India. Since 2017, he has led a campaign called ‘Letter to My Supermom’ successfully making 5,00,000 students from 500+ schools across India write letters and revive the art of letter writing in the country.