Home Press Release CSR of Increff and ABFRL together donate 14,000 garments to the underprivileged...

CSR of Increff and ABFRL together donate 14,000 garments to the underprivileged in Bengaluru

Increff, a noted inventory management company, joined hands with one of India’s leading fashion retail giants, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited (ABFRL), to donate 14,000 garments to the underprivileged across Bengaluru and different regions of the country.
In Bengaluru, the drive took place recently at Ilkal Gayatri factory slum area, District Bagalkot and Nallurhalli area near Whitefield. Increff’s distribution partners, three prominent NGOs – Goonj (Bengaluru), R.K. Foundation (Bengaluru), and Marwari Mahila Manch (Jharkhand), helped execute this initiative successfully.
‘Increff Reassure’ is a philanthropic initiative conceptualized and started by Increff, to encourage fashion retail brands to give back to society in a meaningful way. In a country of billions of people, social problems are generally deep-rooted, complex, and huge. They grow faster than their solutions can catch up, hence individual efforts often fail. These issues tend to innervate a labyrinth of socio-economic and cultural factors that need to be addressed as a community, working with a purpose towards a common goal of creating a better world.
Through ‘Increff Reassure’, retail brands can come together to address the basic right of access to good quality clothes to the largest section of the Indian society, the needy and the underprivileged. With ABFRL, this is a step forward towards bringing change and redefining the retail industry’s approach towards sustainability. Through such drives across the country, Increff aims to spread a common message of propagating smiles and providing protective armour to those who have to fight hard for a healthy living.
“At ABFRL, everything we do is an attempt towards creating a better planet, through our products, packaging, stores, offices, and factories. We try to take the lead in creating environmentally and socially sustainable solutions that enrich the lives of our customers, employees, and society at large. We have taken yet another step in our social cause by donating garments to Increff Reassure,” says Vishak Kumar, CEO, Madura F&L, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd
“Sustainability has become a cornerstone for all retail and apparel brands today, more than ever. We, at Increff, believe that it is our shared responsibility with our partner customers, to follow-through both environmental and societal duties. Access to good quality clothes is a fundamental right of each individual and through our philanthropic initiative, ‘Increff Reassure’, we aim to approach every retailer to support us in contributing towards this significant cause. Moving ahead in our commitment, we recently partnered with Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Group (ABFRL), Goonj, and other NGOs to donate 14,000 good quality clothes to the underprivileged sections of the society. This drive marks the first phase of our philanthropic initiative and we hope that it will encourage other players in the industry to come forth and partner with us to drive a change throughout India.” says Anshuman Agarwal, Co-Founder, INCREFF.
“It is our constant endeavour to regenerate, restore and revitalize the ecosystems and communities that we operate in. CSR plays an integral role in ABFRL’s commitment toward our communities. We have designed a unique CSR value chain that creates a meaningful impact on people’s lives. This initiative aims to bring a positive change in society,” says Dr Naresh Tyagi, Chief Sustainability Officer, Aditya Birla Fashion, and Retail Ltd.

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