Home Press Release CSR: Bal Raksha Bharat continues its efforts to secure futures of street...

CSR: Bal Raksha Bharat continues its efforts to secure futures of street children in Delhi

Observing the International Day for Street Children on April 12, Bal Raksha Bharat (globally known as Save the Children), under their Saving Lives and Supporting Futures, is committed to benefit another 12610 Children living in Street Situation (CiSS) at two geographical locations of South East and North West District of Delhi. Continuing from their last #TheInvisibles Campaign providing over 2 lakh legal identity documents, to linking over 88000 children with social protection schemes, the project is now focused around enrolling children in early childhood education and skill building of youth and adolescents.
Observing the International Day for Street Children, some of the physically challenged adolescents were also provided wheelchairs to make them independent to travel short distances and be able to access services on their own.
Bal Raksha Bharat is collaborating with various government units like Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD), Government of Delhi NCT, District Child Protection Unit (DCPU), Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Child Care Institutions, Department of Education, Government of Delhi NCT, Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, Delhi Police, Child Helpline, Delhi Skill Development Centre (DSDC), to benefit children from 48 hotspots across Delhi.
Younger children from catchment areas around these hotspots now have access to early learning and are better prepared to transition to formal education; older children and adolescents have access to education and other supports to succeed in and stay in school, and adolescents and youth acquire life skills to transition into meaningful and decent employment.
Targeting jobs as electricians, beauticians and in retail work, adolescents and youth living in street situations in Delhi are joining new vocational schemes to give them workplace skills after COVID-19 disrupted household incomes and/or key years of their education.
Speaking on the occasion, Sudarshan Suchi, CEO, Bal Raksha Bharat said, “These children represent India’s ambition of a developed nation. The pandemic has further amplified the pre-existing struggles that children living in street situations already faced, making it harder for young adults to leave the system and become self-reliant. We want to ensure that these young people have the tools they need to have a better life and also break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. By investing in their education and vocational training, we can empower these young adults to become self-reliant and break barriers.”
Sudarshan Suchi said improved income, better career prospects, and increased self-confidence were just a few benefits of skill-based training. But this can also help break the intergenerational cycle of poverty by providing individuals with the means to support themselves and their families, and inspiring future generations to pursue education and training opportunities.
Save the Children has worked in India for more than 80 years, across 18 states, on issues related to education, health, protection and humanitarian needs of children, especially for those who are the most deprived and marginalized.
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